As part of its collaboration with Naruto, Garena has introduced several themed cosmetic items in Free Fire. Among the latest additions is the Wrath of the Nine Tails' arrival animation, which has been made available through the Faded Wheel event. It provides a grand entry into the in-game lobby and could be an attractive item that players can add to their collections.
Since the rewards in the Faded Wheel are guaranteed within a number of spins, users wouldn’t have to think much before spending the diamonds. Alongside the arrival animation, the event offers a few other miscellaneous items that users can acquire by making the spins.
Here is a detailed guide on obtaining the Wrath of the Nine Tails arrival animation in Free Fire.
Guide to get Wrath of the Nine Tails arrival animation in Free Fire from Faded Wheel
The Wrath of the Nine Tails arrival animation Faded Wheel was added to Free Fire on January 28, 2025. It will remain available for around two weeks, giving users ample time to get the main reward.
Like every other event, players must start by removing two unwanted items from the prize pool. They may subsequently begin to make the spins by spending diamonds. Here's the list of rewards that are available in the event:
Prize pool (remove any two items)
- Wrath of the Nine Tails (arrival animation)
- 2x Magic Cube Fragments
- 2x Swagger Ownage Weapon Loot Crate
- Grenade – Tiger’s Attack
- 3x Supply Crates
- Devil’s Mask
- Armor Crate
- 2x Star Soul Weapon Loot Crates
- Skyboard – Swordsman Legends
- 3x Pet Food
Once gamers have the final prize pool, they can utilize diamonds to make the spins. It must be specified that the cost of spins will increase with every subsequent one. The first starts at nine diamonds, with the final one reaching 499.
Cumulatively, it would take 1082 diamonds to get all the possible rewards. If users are lucky, they may get the arrival animation in the initial few spins. However, things aren’t guaranteed, and it could end up costing them over a thousand diamonds to get the themed item.
It would be worth trying your luck in the Faded Wheel event. Players shouldn’t miss this opportunity since themed rewards don’t return easily.
Steps to get Wrath of the Nine Tails in Free Fire
Follow the steps below to get the special Wrath of the Nine Tails arrival animation:
- Step 1: Start by opening the game and navigating to the in-game Luck Royale section.
- Step 2: As the subsequent step, tap on the new Faded Wheel and remove two unwanted items from the prize pool.
- Step 3: Finally, make the spins by spending the in-game currency.
- Once you get the arrival animation, equip it and flaunt the same in front of your friends.
Read more: 50 best names for Free Fire players in 2025
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