Free Fire has successfully established itself on the mobile platform, attracting a large number of players. The game has received over one billion downloads, demonstrating its popularity among the masses. When creating an account for the first time, users are asked to provide a unique nickname or IGN (in-game name).
There has recently been a trend among Free Fire users to have an invisible IGN. This may be accomplished by combining a unique Unicode 3164 character with other superscript letters.
How to set invisible name in Free Fire
Here's a quick and easy guide to getting an invisible name in Free Fire:
Step 1: You may obtain the Unicode 3164 character (Hangul Filler) from this page. You must further copy it into the notes.
Step 2: Then, you will need a set of random letters as superscripts. You may create them from a variety of websites, such as Lingojam.
Step 3: You should paste these superscript characters after Hangul Filler in the notes, as seen in the image below.
Step 4: Next, you must select and copy the entire text. It must be pasted when prompted to enter the new IGN in Free Fire.
Here are the steps you can follow to change your name in Free Fire:
Step 1: After booting up Free Fire, you have to click the banner on the top left side of the screen.
Step 2: Next, you must click the edit icon, a player info dialog box will appear on the screen.
Step 3: You should tap the icon beside their existing IGN. A dialog box will appear, prompting users to enter a new IGN.
Step 4: After entering the new name, press the 390 diamond button.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.