Characters are one of the central features of Free Fire, and each possesses a unique ability to assist gamers in one way or another on the battlefield. Hence, it becomes essential to strike the right balance in ensuring an enjoyable gaming experience.
The developers have been working towards the same goal and have made several changes since the OB27 patches to buff and nerf skills while changing the abilities of a select handful to reintroduce them to the meta. Even in the most recent update to Free Fire OB33, the creators enhanced some characters while altering other ones.
Character changes in Free Fire OB33 update

Caroline's ability to increase her speed while holding a shotgun did not entice gamers. This patch increases movement speed even further, allowing players to utilize Agility to rapidly cover the gap between themselves and enemies. Thus, users can take their foes down with shotguns in ranged encounters.
The movement speed increases by 6/7/8/9/11/13% at the respective levels.

Otho's Memory Mist reveals the locations of other opponents within a given range after defeating a foe in Free Fire. This range has been extended, and the duration of the information available has been improved by a few seconds.
After the update, the positions of other enemies within the 25/35/45/55/65/75m elimination radius will be revealed and shared with teammates for six seconds instead of four.

The speed of bleeding increased significantly with the Free Fire OB33 update, making Rafael's Dead Silent an even better choice for users utilizing marksman rifles and snipers at range.
The current ability will come into effect when using snipers and marksman rifles to provide a silencing effect. At the same time, enemies bleed 40/50/60/70/80/90% faster after being downed.

Thiva's ability in Free Fire MAX was underwhelming and barely at par with Olivia's, and many players avoided it. Garena has improved it to bring it back to the meta.
Vital Vibes now boosts the rescue speed by 15/18/21/24/27/30%. On top of this, there is improvement in HP recovery after revival, and the effect is 25/30/35/40/45/50HP in 5s.

Thrill of Battle is entirely reworked, and now, rather than focusing on EP to HP conversion, it disables the enemy skill and interrupts their interaction countdown.
Gamers can unleash an 8m electromagnetic wave that will disable active and passive skill activation. It also interrupts the interaction cooldown. The effect of this ability lasts for 20/22/24/26/28/30s, while the cooldown is set at 100/90/80/70/60/50s.

Nikita's ability has been reworked but not to the extent of A124. The increase in reload speed is in effect irrespective of the gun category. Furthermore, the final six rounds in the clip cause additional damage, but the latter applies to SMGs.
Firearms Expert increases the reload speed by 14/16/18/20/22/24%, and the last six SMG shots deal 10/12/14/16/18/20% more damage.

Steffie's ability is enhanced to a level where the damage from explosives is nullified within a specified range. Additionally, allies within that area will also restore armor durability while reducing the damage from bullets.
Instead of a shield, Painted Refuge creates a 4m area that blocks throwables. Moreover, allies within this zone get 10% armor durability per second, while the damage from bullets reduces by 10/12/14/16/18/20%. This zone will be available for 10/11/12/13/14/15s and can be used every 115/110/105/100/95/90s.
Note: Free Fire is banned in India, and players from the country should avoid playing the game.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.