The Chennai finals of the Free Fire City Open 2021 are scheduled for June 29th (Tuesday). The event will feature the top 12 teams from the Chennai region competing to win the golden ticket to the national championship.
Teams ranked 2nd to 4th in the city finals will get a second opportunity to qualify for the finals by competing in the city play-ins.
FFCO 2021 is the first city-based tournament on the Free Fire India Esports circuit. Cities were selected on the basis of fan votes.
Qualified teams for the Free Fire City Open Chennai city Finals
1) Raven Esports
2) JALLIKATTU Tamil Nadu
4) TITANS Esports
5) BADGE-99.
7) Biowar TN
10) JK-Newday
Map Schedule, Prize pool distribution, and live stream details:
Match 1:- Bermuda
Match 2:- Purgatory
Match 3:- Kalahari
Match 4:- Bermuda
Match 5:- Purgatory
Match 6:- Kalahari
The City Finals will have a prize pool of 2,00,000 Indian rupees (INR). The winner will receive 1,00,000 INR, while the runner-up will receive 50,000 INR. Furthermore, the 3rd and 4th place teams will receive 25,000 INR in prize money.
Officials will broadcast the finals on the Free Fire India Esports Facebook and YouTube pages as well as on the Booyah app at 6:00 PM IST.
The previous winners of respective finals were:
1. Delhi Titans:- Team OP qualified for the national finals by winning the Delhi finals held on June 15th. They defeated seasoned teams like LVL-iconic, Last Breath, and Godlike to name a few.
2. Ahmedabad Lions:- A battle of underdogs culminated in a victory for Zero Degree in the Ahmedabad finals, taking the title by just four points.
3. Hyderabad Nawabs:- Captains dominated the finals in Hyderabad, taking more than double the points of the second-ranked team.
4. Kolkata Kings:- Head Hunters defeated accomplished teams like Sixth Sense and Assassin Clutchgods to win the Kolkata championship.
Also Read: Free Fire City Open Hyderabad Finals: Winners, MVP, prize pool distribution, and more
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