The first phase of the Free Fire India Championship Spring Split has concluded. The second phase of the tournament, i.e league open qualifiers, is scheduled for 6th February at 5 PM IST.
The Free Fire India Championship Spring Split is the first major tournament of the 2021 circuit and will conclude on 21st March 2021.
The tournament features a massive 75 lakh INR prize pool. The champions will be rewarded with prize money worth 35 lakh INR. The first and second runners-up will be rewarded with 15 lakh INR and 7 lakh, respectively
Prize pool distribution for the Free Fire India Championship Spring Finals
1st Place(Winners):- 35,00,000 INR
2nd Place (1st Runner-up):- 15,00,000 INR
3rd Place (2nd Runner-up):- 7,00,000 INR
4th Place:- 6,00,000 INR
5th Place:- 3,00,000 INR
6th Place:- 2,50,000 INR
7th Place:- 2,00,000 INR
8th Place:- 1,50,000 INR
9th Place:- 1,00,000 INR
10th Place:- 1,00,000 INR
11th Place:- 50,000 INR
12th Place:- 50,000 INR
All players who competed in at least 5 games in the Free Fire India Championship qualifiers phase will receive 500 in-game gold via the mail section.
Members of the first-placed team of the qualifiers phase will win a 2x Diamond Voucher, 1x Armor Crate and 2x Bounty Token.
Free Fire India Championship 2021 Spring Split format
Stage 1 (FFC Mode):- The first stage was an open qualifier where registered teams played against each other. The top 48 teams have moved on to the next stage.
Stage 2 (The league qualifiers):- Qualified teams from Stage 1 will be competing against each other. The 7th to 12th-ranked teams of the FFIC Fall 2020 finals will join them in this stage.
Stage 3 (The League Stages):- The top 12 teams from the league qualifiers will be seeded against the top six finalists from the FFIC 2020 Fall Split.
Stage 4 (Play-ins):- The bottom 12 teams of the league stages will be relegated to the play-ins, where they will battle for 6 spots in the finals.
Stage 5 (Grand Finals):- The top six teams from the league stage and the top six teams from the play-ins will battle it out in the FFIC 2021 Spring Split's grand finals.
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