Free Fire is gearing up for the upcoming festival of lights in India. Garena is offering many rewards to its players to celebrate Diwali, and the latest official Diwali song has introduced yet another set of milestone rewards for Free Fire gamers.
Garena has released the official song for Diwali, and the music video has already garnered over three million views on YouTube and has crossed 800K likes. The song, Kill Chori, features Bollywood star Shraddha Kapoor and Indian comedian Bhuvan Bam.
The video commences with Shraddha Kapoor and Bhuvan Bam losing a Free Fire match but ultimately getting into the Diwali spirit to enjoy. The song was composed by Sachin Jigar.
Free Fire milestone rewards for Diwali video
To celebrate the launch of the music video, Garena is offering exciting Free Fire rewards based on the milestones that the video reaches. The best aspect is that these rewards are permanent.
Below are the milestones that the video needs to reach:
1) One crore views – 3 Diamond Royale Vouchers
2) Two crore views – M14 Killspark Shinobi Gun skin
3) Three crore views – Black Rose Rocker bundle
Players will have to reach the above milestones by 6 November 2021 to claim the above rewards. Once the milestones are attained, redemption codes will be released below the official music video on YouTube.
Free Fire gamers can then use the codes provided and head over to the official redemption site to claim the rewards. The rewards will most likely be sent to the players via their in-game mail.
Garena has encouraged players to share the music video, Kill Chori, to reach their goals more efficiently. Both Free Fire and Free Fire MAX players are eligible to win permanent giveaways.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.