Free Fire has a huge presence in the mobile gaming community, Garena, the game's developers, are constantly pushing out new updates to keep players engaged in this battle royale title.
In the most recent update of Free Fire, officials brought back the Purgatory map, which was the most-demanded map in the ranked mode. The version of the update was 0.15.0, and Garena received a lot of positive feedback on its release.
And now, players are excited for the upcoming Free Fire OB23 update. And we give an overview of available leaks for this update to get a glance at the new changes.
Also read: Free Fire OB23 Update: Leaks reveal new character, pet and gun
Free Fire OB23 update leaks
New places and meteoroids in Bermuda map
As always, YouTubers are the first to reveal such leaks in their videos, even before any major update goes live in Free Fire. These leaks reveal the list of amendments which players can expect in the upcoming patch.
A popular YouTuber, Free Fire's Gamer Zone, has found a couple of new places arriving in the famous Bermuda map. He reported in his video that these new places will replace some existing ones, and will feature new buildings and spots. The places which are expected to be replaced with the release of OB23 update are Katulistiwa and Shipyard.
He also proclaimed that fans can see meteoroids in the sky in the Bermuda map. These meteoroids can be observed at the same places that are mentioned above.
Furthermore, Garena also hinted to these secret locations in one of its Facebook posts.
From all this information, it's pretty clear that the developers are focused on revamping Free Fire's Bermuda map.
Lucas character
Last time, when the Clu character was added to Free Fire, the players went crazy. Seeing this enormous response from fans has encouraged the developers to introduce another new character in the game.
Garena has officially confirmed an upcoming character in Free Fire. The name of the character is Lucas, and he has been rumoured from quite some time. In the announcement post, the developers also announced that this new character will be released as part of the Free Fire OB23 update.
Here's the banner of the character.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.