In the wake of the successful Free Fire World Series 2021, Garena announced the inaugural Free Fire Pro League 2021 Summer. The top teams from India and Nepal will compete in the FFPL 2021, which boasts a massive prize pool of ₹35 lakhs.
Free Fire Pro League 2021 Summer format
The tournament will feature the top 18 teams from the two neighboring countries. The 12 finalists of the Free Fire India Championship 2021 Spring Split have been directly invited to the tournament. They will be joined by the top six qualified teams from the Open Qualifiers, i.e., the Free Fire Cup (FFC).
Those wishing to register for the open qualifiers (FFC) can do so from June 1st. Registrations will close on June 4th, which is also the final day of the FFC mode.
These 18 teams will compete over six matchdays starting on June 26th and ending on July 11th, with matches being played only on weekends (Saturday and Sunday).
- Match Day 1 - June 26th (Saturday)
- Match Day 2 - June 27th (Sunday)
- Match Day 3 - July 3rd (Saturday)
- Match Day 4 - July 4th (Sunday)
- Match Day 5 - July 10th (Saturday)
- Match Day 6 - July 11th (Sunday)
At the end of match days, the top 12 teams will qualify for the Grand Finals scheduled on July 18th, i.e., Sunday.
The top six teams of the FFPL 2021 Summer edition will cement their berth in the next India Championship, i.e., the FFIC 2021 Fall Split. The seventh to the twelfth ranked teams of the FFPL will qualify for the closed qualifiers (skipping the open qualifiers).
The tournament will be broadcast live on the official Free Fire Esports India YouTube and Facebook channels and the Booyah streaming app.
In late 2020, Free Fire announced its esports roadmap 2021 for the Indian region. They announced a total of four ultimate tournaments, i.e., two Free Fire India Championships (Spring and Fall Splits) and two Free Fire Pro Leagues (Summer and Winter), with more than ₹2 crores in prize pool up for grabs.
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