The Free Fire World Series is the ultimate global tournament organized by Garena that brings together the best teams from every corner of the globe. The first edition was held in Rio de Janeiro in 2019, with famed YouTuber Nobru leading his club Corinthians to victory and with Nobru being the MVP of the tournament. The event was a big success and crossed 2 million peak viewers and 1.28 million average viewers.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 edition of the World Series was replaced by three regional continental Series (Asia, EMEA, and Americas). Even though the event was held online, it was a big success. The Asian edition crossed 2.5 million live viewers while the Americas one closed in at a peak of 1.7 million viewers.
The World Series returned in 2021, with Garena announcing that it will be held bi-annually. The prizepool also saw an increase of around 400 per cent to 2 million USD. The May edition was scheduled in Singapore and was won by Team Phoenix Force. Four qualified South Asian teams were unable to compete in the event due to a travel ban imposed by the Singapore government on the Indian sub-continent region.
The November edition of the World Series 2021 was canceled by Garena amidst a new wave of COVID-19. It has been replaced by two new regional tournaments, the Asia Championship and the EMEA Invitational, which will take place later this month.
Free Fire World Series 2022
The dates for the third edition of the World Series were revealed today by Garena. It will be held on May 14 and 21 in 2022. The venue and prize pool have yet to be revealed, but they can be announced anytime soon after the Asia Championship.
According to the latest Esports charts report, the Free Fire World Series 2021 Singapore, which took place in late May, has maintained its position as the 'most-watched esports event by peak viewership'. To date, it has been the only event to cross 5 million (5.4 million) peak viewership. The recently concluded Worlds 2021 came in at a close second with 4 million peak viewers, while the PUBG Mobile Global Championship Season 0 crossed 3.8 million peak viewers.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.