Here are the latest updates on Free Fire's partnership with Netflix Money Heist.
Free Fire x Money Heist
1. Peak Day on 20 Sep – creating a big scene with the heist
With Peak Day taking place this weekend, Free Fire players all around the world have been tasked by The Professor to retrieve and secure Maxim, while recovering the stolen money. Maxim was detained by the police during the heist, and is now counting on his partners to get him out.
To join in the quest to secure Maxim, players can:
Log in on 20 Sep to receive a complimentary AN94 – Plan Bermuda gun skin.
- Earn "Heisted Cash" Tokens after killing enemies during the Deadbox Drop between 13 - 22 Sep. These can be exchanged for a pet Panda and the Panda Heist skin from 20 Sep.
- Jump into the long-awaited "Money Heist" game mode, where two teams of 4 go head-to-head securing money printers to print the target amount of cash in the allotted time. This new game mode is only available from 20 - 22 Sep.
2. The final part of the three-part cinematic web series will go live tomorrow
The third and final part of the cinematic web series will go live tomorrow. The web series will allow fans to learn all about how The Professor recruited Free Fire characters and planned for his greatest heist.
In the first two series, we learned of how The Professor enlisted the help of Free Fire characters to "get back what is stolen," in what he describes as "the greatest heist you'd ever join…Plan Bermuda."
In the third episode, The Professor recaps the 180 million euros which has been accumulated in the bank – all from drugs, gambling, and theft – and outlines his plan to retrieve it. 6 Free Fire characters lie at the heart of The Professor's plan, and all will have to work in sync in order to achieve mission success. Watch the final part when the video drops tomorrow to find out if they manage to pull off the heist.
Catch the first 2 parts of the cinematic web series at the links below:
3. Fun ways fans can experience Plan Bermuda globally, including partnership with street artists, live-action videos, and a blimp across a capital city!
Among the highlights include:
A Free Fire x Money Heist live-action comedy mini-movie filmed exclusively for India. The video, which was filmed in Hindi and was published on YouTube last week, has since surpassed more than a million views on YouTube! Catch the mini-movie here.

A Plan Bermuda blimp flew across Mexico City, reminiscent of the iconic scene in the series where The Professor uses a blimp to drop millions of euros above central Madrid.

An exclusive Free Fire x Money Heist live-action short film in Indonesia with local action star Joe Taslim. Watch the short movie here.

Local street artists in Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina took to the streets and plastered specially-designed Free Fire x Money Heist artwork in KEY attractions.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.