Garena Free Fire occupies a significant space in the Indian mobile gaming community, with millions of players actively participating. However, a major setback occurred a few weeks ago when the government of India named the battle royale title as one of the 54 prohibited applications.
According to reports, the suspension occurred in accordance with past ban waves, i.e., the government restricted the title in the nation due to security reasons.
With the prohibition being in place, there are still some questions in the players’ minds about various aspects, such as the server’s functionality.
Free Fire ban in India
Server status and network issues
Servers of Garena Free Fire are still up and running in India, meaning that users can still relish the battle royale title within the country. Subsequently, they have access to all the new events and content added.
However, the servers could get closed, and there is no certainty about their functionality, with the ban taking place.
Furthermore, tons of users have been facing issues on specific networks while getting into the battle royale title. Here’s the message they encountered:
“Network Connection Error.”
Statements from content creators regarding the ban
1) Amitbhai
In one of his streams, he was quoted as saying:
“If the government has banned it, we must abide by the rules set forth by them. Any action they take is aimed at the betterment of the general public and thus must be followed.”
2) Titanium Gamer
This is what Titanium Gamer has stated regarding the game’s suspension:
“There is a good chance that you have already heard news about the ban on Free Fire coming from all directions. However, Free Fire MAX is still available on the Google Play Store. So, you can go ahead and download it.”
3) GW Manish
GW Manish, a well-known content creator, shared the following thoughts:
“The ban was quite unexpected and I had never considered the possibility of such an event occurring, but now we have had official confirmation from the Government.”
Reactions of public
The game’s community has been left in the dark with no developments. Here are a few of their reactions on Twitter:
It will be quite interesting to see what happens regarding the game’s future in the country. Until then, users can still play Free Fire MAX.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.