Garena Free Fire recently collaborated with the Japanese superhero franchise, One Punch Man. The event has already begun, and players can access several exclusive items related to the collab from the store.
A new Obliteration emote has been dropped in the Store section that resembles Saitama's signature blow. This article elucidates the steps to acquire this item.
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Detailed guide to get the Obliteration emote in Free Fire
Before purchasing the emote, players must ensure they have enough diamonds in their account. The emote costs 599 diamonds, and if they do not have the required amount of diamonds, they can purchase it from the top-up store.
After buying enough diamonds, here are the steps that players can follow to buy the Obliteration emote:
Step 1: They need to open Free Fire and wait for the default loading screen to appear.
Step 2: Then, they can navigate to the Store section on the screen's left-hand side corner.
Step 3: Users must tap the "New" tab and select the Obliteration emote from the displayed menu of items.
Step 4: After selecting the emote, they need to choose the "Purchase" option at the bottom of the screen, and a pop-up will appear asking for confirmation of the purchase.
Step 5: They can tap on 599 diamonds to buy the emote, which will be available thereon.
This is a limited-time offer, so the emote could be removed from the store as soon as the collaboration event ends.
Also read: Amitbhai (Desi Gamers) vs Tonde Gamer: Who has better stats in Garena Free Fire?
Note: This article is for beginners. While these steps may seem obvious to some, several new players often search for these "newbie" tips and tricks.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.