Free Fire India recently announced its first major tournament of 2021: the Free Fire India Championship Spring Split. The tournament is scheduled from January 29th to March 21st, and will feature a humongous prize pool of 75,00,000 INR.
Registrations for the online qualifiers of the tournament will start from January 25, 2021, and will go on till January 29, 2021.
How to register for the Free Fire India Championship Spring Split 2021
Step 1: Log in to the Free Fire game and tap on the FFC Icon cup (Red color) present on the top-right corner of the screen.
Step 2: Tap on the Free Fire India Championship banner and read all the key information like match schedule, scoring information, progression after FFC, and other tournament details.
Step 3: Click on the squad button in the lobby to join or create a team.
Step 4: Fill up all details asked like team names, contact information, regions, and click on confirm.
Each team that successfully registers will receive eight tickets during the scheduled time. Matchmaking will start on January 29th from 4 PM IST to 8 PM IST. After the designated timeframe, all unused tickets will be voided.
After successfully forming a team with predetermined members, players can start the match by clicking on start game in the Free Fire India Championship lobby. Invite teammates to form a squad of four members.
Minimum eligibility criteria to participate in the FFIC 2021:
1. Players must be at least 16 years old.
2. Only players from India and Nepal can participate.
3. All players must be ranked at level 40 with a rank of Diamond 1 or above at the time of registration.
4. Team rosters must be a minimum of four players and a maximum of five players.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.