In a tragic incident, popular Free Fire creator Abhiyuday Mishra, aka Skylord, passed away after succumbing to injuries sustained during an accident on September 26. Reportedly, Abhiyuday was riding a bike while on an "MP Tourism Riding Tour" when he was hit by a truck along the Narmadapuram-Pipariya state highway.
Ever since the news of Mishra's tragic passing, tributes have been pouring in from the Indian esports community. Skylord's untimely and sudden demise has also disheartened many fans, who have been sharing "Rest in Peace" messages online.
India's esports community pays tribute after the tragic passing of famous Free Fire YouTuber Skylord
The incident took place at around 2 pm, as reported by the news agency, Dainik Bhaskar, and has seen many famous content creators and esports personalities like NeuzBoy, Ocean Sharma, Jash Dhoka, Sahil Rana, Lokesh Raj, ABHI9AV, Paagal M10, and Romeo Gamer react to the tragic loss.
Here are some reactions from famous creators and influencers:
Romeo Gamer wrote a fitting and emotional tribute to Abhiyuday "Skylord" Mishra.
Free Fire creators/personalities like DOWNTECH GAMER, Pagal M10, and Jash Dhoka also paid respect to the deceased.
Prominent YouTubers including Desi Gamers (Amit Bhai), LOKESH GAMER, A_S Gaming, and Raistar also reacted with grief to Skylord's demise.
Some tweets from other famous influencers from India:
While content creators and the Indian esports community continued to share their grief through various social media platforms, fans also paid tribute to their beloved creator:
For those unfamiliar with the creator, Abhiyuday Mishra, aka Skylord, began creating content in 2020 and found his niche in producing Free Fire videos. Over a span of two years, Skylord's primary channel has earned him a whopping 1.48 million subscribers, attracting over 153.59 million channel views across 232 videos.
Abhiyuday was famous for his commentary on a wide variety of topics related to Garena's popular BR shooter, with fans falling for his quirky and humorous style. Aside from commentary, Skylord was also among the FF creators who refused to endorse in-game loot boxes and pay-to-win content.
Besides his primary channel, Skylord ran three other channels with different content.
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