Popular Indian gaming YouTuber Total Gaming, aka Ajju Bhai, finally revealed his face on December 30, 2023. The beloved gamer has enjoyed a prosperous career over the past five years and amassed over 37 million subscribers. After making several prior promises to his fans, he finally decided to show his face before the start of 2024.
At 9:30 am on December 30, 2023, he uploaded a four-minute-23-second-long video in which he revealed his face. He also disclosed his real name - Ajendra Variya.
Fans were extremely excited to see their favorite gaming influencer, as the scheduled video had over 140K comments and 700K likes before it went live.
Total Gaming's face reveal video gets over 3.5 million viewers in under three hours
Soon after the video was posted publicly, it garnered over 3.5 million viewers, 900K likes, and 250K comments (at the time of writing), showing how popular Total Gaming is.
He wrote in the video caption:
"Today marks a significant moment as I, Ajendra Variya, reveal my face in this video. I'm taking you on a journey through my gaming world. Your support has meant everything to me, and I couldn't have come this far without you. Yes, I'm a bit nervous, but I know you're with me. Thank you for being a part of this amazing ride".
Several Indian influencers like Desi Gamers, The Rawknee Games, and more have reacted to this video. A few days ago, he said he was too nervous to reveal his face.
Who is Total Gaming?
Total Gaming, who has now revealed his real name as Ajendra Varia, is a Gujarat-based gaming YouTuber. He mostly makes content on Free Fire gameplay and has six YouTube channels.
His primary account, Total Gaming, has over 37.4 million subscribers - the most of any Indian gaming influencer.
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