Vinay "Hades Plays" Rao, Orangutan's head of Esports, held a watch party for the newly released Mic On Kar Episode 3, The OGs Reunite, a podcast where their Free Fire roster talks about their journey. While streaming, Rao answered many fan questions while sharing interesting tidbits about their earlier days as a team.
A curious fan asked about the veracity of Iconic's remarks during a previous live stream. The star claimed that Orangutan had directed them to form a lineup consisting of Iconic, Killer, Pahadi Jay, and Monk. However, he declined and said he would not join if RDP and Taneja were not included.
Vinay replied:
"So far, we have given them multiple options. We have collectively expressed that they can form a lineup with whichever individual they want. Whether it be with RDP, Pahadi, Iconic, Jonty, can come together to form the line or do it separately."
Vinay re-emphasized that players have many choices because several talents are still under contract. He was quoted saying:
"With 7 to 8 Free Fire players under us, we have a lot of options. So, it is up to the players to determine how they will form the lineup. Whenever the game is about to arrive, two weeks prior to that we will have the information and then our roster will be finalized. We can continue ahead with that."
He also shared some fascinating insights, including behind the scenes during the live stream.
Hades Plays answers fans' questions about Orangutan's Free Fire lineup
During a recent live stream, a fan questioned Hades Plays about the feasibility of forming a second Orangutan Free Fire lineup. The Esports head responded that while the possibility of a second lineup exists, their current focus is directed solely toward maintaining one.
He reasoned:
"When there are two options for lineups, it becomes a challenging decision for us to determine which one to support and which to not. From the fans' perspective, both lineups may hold equal importance, and they will support both brothers. But as a team, we need to put more emphasis on one lineup over the other."
He added that they only want to keep one lineup and would decide on this later.
Hades Plays artfully sidestepped a query posed by a spectator during a live stream regarding the possibility of a return of Free Fire. He pointed out that it was a good question and went on streaming by resuming the video.
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