Over the years, Elite Passes have proved to be a valuable source to earn cosmetics within Free Fire MAX. They generally provide two exclusive themed outfits along with multiple jackets and skins for several other in-game items, including vehicles, backpacks, grenades, and more.
Garena releases these every month, adding in various new and attractive cosmetics. Players interested in it must purchase the Pass first and then complete missions to earn badges or acquire them outright to obtain their rewards.
Now that the Pass for July is coming to an end, excitement for the upcoming August Elite Pass has begun to build up. The rewards have also been leaked, providing an overview of the available items.
Dive into the details of Free Fire MAX Elite Pass Season 51
The upcoming Free Fire MAX Elite Pass Season 51 will kick off on 1 August 2022, one day after the completion of the existing Pass. It will be available until 31 August, and gamers can use it to acquire diamonds to collect two outfits, among other items.
The Pass is likely based on the Duo of Dynasty theme and features items connected to this theme. In fact, the leaks for the upcoming Pass have been around for a few months now, and according to those leaks, the rewards, along with their badge requirements, are as follows:
- Chef’s Ride: 0 Badge
- Skilled Cook Avatar: 5 Badges
- Steamed Seafood Avatar: 10 Badges
- Aroma World Jacket: 15 Badges
- Pot of Luck Banner: 30 Badges
- Angry Cook T-Shirt: 40 Badges
- Cherry Chefmaster Bundle: 50 Badges
- M1873 – Golden Prosperity: 80 Badges
- Prosperous T-Shirt and Good Eats Backpack: 100 Badges
- Vector – Golden Prosperity: 125 Badges
- Pot of Luck Avatar: 135 Badges
- Skilled Cook Banner and Hot Pot Loot Box: 150 Badges
- Fake Death emote: 195 Badges
- Angry Cook Backpack: 200 Badges
- Crimson Knifemaster Bundle: 225 Badges
Obviously, these are unconfirmed leaks and must be taken with a pinch of salt. They may or may not be included with the release of the Pass. Users can watch the aforementioned video to get a complete overview of the items.
Price and pre-order
The price of the Free Fire MAX Elite Pass varies depending on the server. On the Indian server, users are expected to acquire it for 499 diamonds. In comparison, the Elite Bundle will set them back by 999 diamonds.
On top of this, players will also have the option to pre-order the Elite Bundle for 999 diamonds a few days before it arrives to obtain an exclusive reward. It is anticipated to start around 28 July 2022. Therefore, all players looking to buy the Elite Bundle are better off pre-ordering it.
Moreover, Garena is yet to announce the details around the Elite Pass, and these are only the expected details.
Are the Elite Pass worth purchasing?
Yes, Elite Passes are definitely worth obtaining in Free Fire MAX. It features two exclusive outfits that would otherwise cost a player thousands of diamonds. On top of that, they can also obtain skins of other items, including backpacks and more. All of this made available for 499 diamonds is certainly a great deal.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.