Garena finally released the latest major update of Free Fire, OB30, on 28 September. The game went on a maintenance break for hours before returning with many new tweaks and additions.
As many as four characters received adjustments through Free Fire's OB30 update. The downgraded characters include Chrono, Wukong, and Awakened Andrew, while Shirou received a buff.
These new changes have also affected the rankings of characters in terms of in-game might.
Characters in Free Fire: The best options in the game after the latest update
1) DJ Alok

Alok has remained unchanged despite the many updates of Free Fire, and therefore, its performance has been consistent for a pretty long time. DJ Alok plays absolute team support in Free Fire as it provides a 10% boost in teammates' agility.
Apart from the enhanced ally movement speed, players can also avail of an HP gain at a rate of 5 per second with Alok's Drop the Beat. His ability has a duration of five seconds initially, which can further be maximized to 10 seconds.
2) Jota

Jota was a recipient of an adjustment through the OB29 update, which drastically improved his performance. His ability Sustained Raids activates automatically when players successfully hit opponents using firearms. Each hit on the target will gain some HP for Jota, while a good knockdown provides a 10% gain.
Due to his HP gain capabilities, Jota becomes a decent choice for a balanced gameplay strategy.
3) Dimitri

One of the latest additions in the Free Fire line-up, Dimitri, seemed to be a decent character initially. His ability, Healing Heartbeat, has ensured he remains an efficient performer in the game.
Healing Heartbeat with a CD of 85 seconds and a duration of 10 seconds and creates a healing zone with a 3.5 diameter for HP recovery. Everyone who resides inside the healing zone gets a recovery at a rate of 3 HP/s.
In addition to that, players or allies who are knocked down can self-recover using the same area.
4) K (Captain Booyah)

K, popularly known as Captain Booyah, is another balanced character that boasts of having no time limit. His ability Master of All with minor mode switch CD of three seconds assists in EP recovery with an increase in Max EP by 50.
The two modes of Master of All are given below:
Jiu-jitsu mode: Jiu-jitsu mode enhances the EP conversion rates of teammates by five times. The only condition is they have to present within 6m of the Captain Booyah.
Psychology mode: K's psychology mode is essential for players' defense and attack as one can recover 2 EP every three seconds up to 100 EP. Hence, the EP gain comes in handy while rushing and escaping.
5) Skyler

Skyler is hands down one of the best characters in Free Fire if used with correct timing. He can launch a sonic wave of 50m range that can destroy a maximum of five gloo walls. Furthermore, users get an HP recovery every time a gloo wall is deployed.
His Riptide Rhythm ability with an initial cooldown of 60 seconds is suitable for beginners and rank push.
Disclaimer: This list is not in any particular order and reflects the writer's opinion.
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