2022 has been a mixed bag for Free Fire MAX fans in India. The year began on a high note with Garena revealing its esports plans for Indian gaming athletes, which were expected to include FFIC (Free Fire India Championship). However, Free Fire got banned in February, leaving many fans disheartened.
Despite the ban on Free Fire, Garena retained its active userbase with Free Fire MAX. At the same time, FF MAX content creators kept every player engaged with their entertaining uploads. Hence, 2022 witnessed plenty of collaborations, factory challenges, streams, and more from Free Fire MAX YouTubers.
Listing 2022's top Free Fire MAX YouTubers from India
5) Desi Gamers
The first name on this list is Amit "Desi Gamers" Sharma, also called Amitbhai by many of his fans. Sitting at the milestone of 13.3 million subscribers, he has comfortably made it to the list of the top five most-subscribed Free Fire/FF MAX YouTubers.
Having begun his journey in the second half of October 2018, Amit Sharma uploaded highlights of Free Fire gameplay and created a fanbase for himself. Over the years, he registered impressive numbers on YouTube and became one of the well-known faces within the community.
Amitbhai has maintained his consistency in uploading content, as one can often find collaborative videos, gameplay highlights, funny compilations, and more on his channel.
4) Gyan Gaming
The next YouTuber to make it to the list is another famous Free Fire MAX creator, Sujan "Gyan Gaming" Mistri. Like Desi Gamers, Sujan also started as another "gaming YouTuber" when he uploaded Clash of Clans streams and videos on his channel, Gyan Gaming.
Soon Sujan Mistri switched to Free Fire and mastered his skills to garner more viewers with each stream or video. Today, his channel has over 14.5 million subscribers, with most content centered around FF and FF MAX. At the same time, Sujan occasionally uploads vlogs.
3) Lokesh Gamer
Lokesh "Lokesh Gamer" Raj is the third most-subscribed FF MAX creator on YouTube and is also popularly known as one of the richest Free Fire players due to insane crate opening videos and other entertaining content. Lokesh's content has clicked with his fans, having amassed over 15.4 million on the channel, while his vlogs fetch plenty of views.
Along with Free Fire/FF MAX-themed videos, Lokesh Gamer's channel features funny moment compilations or other real-life content from his vlogs. As he spends some crazy amounts of diamonds in the game, many of his viewers refer to him as the Indian Diamond King in Garena Free Fire MAX.
2) AS Gaming
As the list reaches the second spot, the next YouTube channel to appear is AS Gaming that Sahil Rana and his brother Akshay own. Although Sahil was the main face on the channel for quite a long time, his brother also turned to content creation, and both of them now upload some entertaining videos, including pranks and real-life challenges.
As of this writing, AS Gaming has an impressive count of 19.2 million subscribers due to the creators' consistency in pushing out Free Fire MAX videos. Although AS Gaming initially grew due to the gameplay videos, fans can find most of the channel's videos these days to feature diamonds, in-game events, and crate openings.
1) Total Gaming
Total Gaming is India's most subscribed-to gaming YouTube channel, which is why it automatically becomes the most well-known Free Fire MAX channel. It is owned by the famous creator Ajay, aka Ajjubhai, who is yet to make his "face reveal" video.
In terms of subscribers, Total Gaming is miles ahead of others since it has a staggering 34.2 million subscriber-count milestone. Primarily uploading content related to Garena's BR shooter, Ajjubhai garnered fame due to his exceptional gameplay skills and hilarious commentary.
Total Gaming has also done occasional collaborations with Mythpat, sc0utOP, Thugesh, and many other YouTubers. Additionally, Desi Gamers is a frequent collaborator that Ajjubhai fans often spot on his channel.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.