In Free Fire, players can either engage in solo or squad fights, ranging from 1v1 to 4v4. Although fighting a squad as a solo player is a difficult task, it's not impossible to secure a Booyah. However, if players feel up to the mark, they can even choose to take on 1v4 fights in-game.
With a little planning and a pinch of luck, players will be able to take down entire squads in-game and learn how to become expert-level players in Free FIre. Here are a few basic tips that will help players become masters of solo versus squad fights in Free Fire.
Tips to remember while playing solo vs squad in Free Fire
5) Don't land next to opponents
When playing solo versus a squad, it's never a good idea to land next to other players. They will try to surround the other players as soon as possible and overpower them, leading to elimination.
In addition to landing far away from other opponents, solo players should also avoid landing in hot zones. There will be multiple squads to deal with, and getting out of the location alive may become impossible.
4) Keep HP and EP full
When playing solo in Free Fire, players are not just fighting other squads but for their survival as well. Having full HP at all times is essential, and players should collect as many healing items as possible.
In addition to HP (health points), players should also maintain a high EP (energy points) at all times. When players take damage, EP points will slowly convert to HP points and heal the player over time. Players can gain EP by using the "bonfire" loadout item or by consuming mushrooms.
3) Avoid early game fights
Solo players should always avoid early game fights, as a 1 v 4 situation will rarely end well due to lack of proper weapons and armor. Even if players manage to find a powerful weapon early in the game, there are four opponents to eliminate, which becomes hard due to a lack of healing items and proper armor.
Although some players may get the upper hand and take out a full squad during the early game, chances of this happening are low in Free Fire unless the player is an expert in the game.
2) Don't rush opponents
While playing as a solo player, rushing opponents to close the distance is never a good idea. Although gloo walls can be used to advance rapidly, players will eventually get pinned down from the overwhelming fire and will eventually get eliminated.
The best way to play as a solo in Free Fire is to wait till the enemy gets close and then strike. The element of surprise is by far the greatest tactical advantage solo players will have while fighting a squad.
1) Rotate to gain an advantage
If the engagement angle is not practical or too difficult, solo players should do micro rotations and get behind an enemy squad before engaging. Rotations can also be used to get out of a firefight before the enemy squad surrounds the area and makes escape impossible.
Rotating often as a solo player in Free Fire is a great way to stay ahead of opponents and stay out of harm's way as well.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.