Mastering the gloo wall in Free Fire MAX is necessary for survival. While this is all too easy for seasoned players, newcomers to the game often get confused.
The problem with gloo walls is that they are easy to use but hard to master, and coming up with creative ideas for this utility item can be challenging. Nevertheless, by following a few tips, readers can expand their knowledge about gloo walls and their uses.
Master the use of gloo walls in Free Fire MAX by following these simple tips
1) Blocking off choke points
During gunfights in Free Fire MAX, it may become necessary to deny the enemy access to a certain path or area. This can be done with the help of gloo walls. Players can use the item to block off access to buildings or critical choke points in-game.
If placed currently, enemies will have no choice but to rotate around them. This will open up numerous tactical options for players.
2) Trapping opponents for easy elimination
During gunfights in areas with limited space or a lot of corners, players can use gloo walls to trap opponents. Although this is very situational and requires perfect timing, it is possible.
Once done, players can then either eliminate the enemy with a well placed grenade or use them as bait.
3) Rushing towards the enemy
Rushing towards an enemy position can get dangerous. With bullets flying everywhere, the chances of taking damage are always high. However, this can be mitigated by using gloo walls in Free Fire MAX.
If placed correctly during a rush, players will gain protection from damage. Additionally, if the angle is just right, they will be able to peek and shoot back as well.
4) Scale buildings with ease
Not all buildings in Free Fire MAX are accessible. Some have been designed with the intent of not allowing players to climb them. However, this can be easily overcome with gloo walls.
By carefully placing a few gloo walls, players can scale nearly any structure in-game. With enough practice, readers will be able to climb the mighty Bimasakti Tower as well.
5) Protection during close-range combat
Close-range combat is a frequent occurrence in Free Fire MAX. Shotguns are the preferred weapon of choice and being one-tapped with a headshot is common. Players can avoid this by placing gloo walls during the shootout.
These can be used to absorb damage, dodge enemy gunfire, and even micro rotate around the opponents for a flanking shot.
Note: The list is in no particular order, and the article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.
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