Unique nicknames and colorful signatures help Free Fire mobile gamers stand out in the crowd. Players have the option to customize both to their preference.
While the Nickname is the name of the player displayed on their profile, Signature is a phrase that can be displayed below their battle style and the social style in the game. There are means to change the Nicknames and Signatures to make them more attractive.
Unique Nickname and colorful Signature in Free Fire

To customize their in-game moniker, interested gamers will have to head over to the name generator website. They can enter their name of choice and copy any of the options below.
To change the color of the Signature, players will have to use hex codes. Each hex code has a specific color associated with it and here are a few of the popular hex codes used by Free Fire gamers:
- White – FFFFFF
- Red – FF0000
- Yellow – FFFF00
- Fuchsia – FF00FF
- Orange – FFA500
- Blue – 0000FF
- Aqua – 00FFFF
- Silver – C0C0C0
- Maroon – 800000
- Purple – 800080
- Green – 008000
How to change the color of Signature?
Step 1: Players must open Free Fire and then go to their Profile section.
Step 2: Then, they will tap on the yellow edit button.
Step 3: They will then have to go to the end of the Player Info list and tap on the Signature box.

Step 4: They will then have to enter a phrase along with the hex code of their preference, as shown above.
How to change Nickname?
The first two steps are the same as above.
Step 3: They will then tap on the edit button beside their Nickname.
Step 4: Once the dialog box appears, they will have to paste the name from the name generator website.
Step 5: They will have to pay 390 diamonds.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.