OP Vincenzo has made a name for himself across Free Fire communities worldwide due to his mind-boggling gameplay videos. He plays the game on the Middle East server and boasts a vast subscriber base of 6.52 million, which stands as a testament to his popularity among players.
The YouTuber has also attained more than 8.49 million views and 110k subscribers in the last 30 days.
OP Vincenzo’s Free Fire ID and stats
His Free Fire ID is 437144862.
Lifetime stats

OP Vincenzo has 22310 squad games to his name and 3644 first-place finishes, with a win percentage of 16.33%. He has accumulated 80801 kills with a K/D ratio of 4.33.
He has appeared in 1751 duo matches and has a win tally of 305, which comes down to a win rate of 17.41%. With 5169 frags, the player has a K/D ratio of 3.57.
OP Vincenzo has competed in 1175 solo games and has come out on top on 107 occasions, leading to a win ratio of 9.10%. He has recorded 2950 kills in the mode for a K/D ratio of 2.76.
Ranked stats

In the current season, OP Vincenzo has featured in 437 squad matches and has 53 Booyahs, corresponding to a win rate of 12.12%. In the process, he has collected 1844 kills, ensuring a K/D ratio of 4.80.
The content creator has also played a single duo game and has bagged the win, killing seven foes. This has got him a win rate of 100% and a K/D ratio of 7.
He is yet to play a ranked solo game in the ongoing season.
Note: Vincenzo's stats were registered while writing this article and are set to change as he plays in more games.

As reported by Social Blade, Vincenzo’s estimated monthly earnings from his YouTube channel is in the range of $2.1K - $34K. The website also approximates his yearly earnings to be in the range of $25.5K - $407.9K.
YouTube channel
The first video on Vincenzo's YouTube went live in December 2018. He has been regularly churning out content around the title. Currently, his subscriber count stands at 6.52 million, and with more than 400 videos. He also boasts a total of over 434 million views.
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