Sarfraj, commonly referred to as Helping Gamer, is an Indian YouTuber who focuses on videos about Garena Free Fire. As the name of his channel implies, he creates guides and other similar content to help viewers understand events.
He has established a considerable fan base, with his numbers constantly expanding. As of this writing, the total number of subscribers and views of Helping Gamer stands at 7.78 million and 545.90 million.
Helping Gamer’s Free Fire MAX ID, real name, stats, and more details
Helping Gamer’s ID in Free Fire MAX is 517121909, and as stated above, his real name is Sarfraj.
Lifetime stats

Helping Gamer has played 7144 squad matches in Free Fire MAX and has 1161 first-place finishes, resulting in a win percentage of 16.25%. In the process, he has 16328 kills and 4726 headshots for a K/D ratio of 2.73 and a headshot rate of 28.94%.
In the duo games, he has appeared in 2899 games and has bettered his foes in 188, equating to a win rate of 6.48%. With 5527 frags and 1284 headshots, he has a K/D ratio of 2.04 and a headshot percentage of 23.23%.
The YouTuber has competed in 2848 solo matches and has outclassed his enemies in 171, translating to a win ratio of 6.00%. Sarfraj has accumulated 4909 kills, upholding a K/D ratio of 1.83, and has 1281 headshots for a rate of 26.09%.
Ranked stats

Helping Gamer has participated in a single squad match in the ongoing ranked season, killing eight enemies with two headshots at a K/D ratio and headshot percentage of 8.00 and 25.00%, respectively.
Note: Stats of Helping Gamer in Free Fire MAX are subject to change.
Monthly income

According to Social Blade, Helping Gamer’s monthly income is between $2.1K and $33.6K, while his yearly earnings lie in the range of $25.2K and $402.8K.
YouTube channel
Sarfraj regularly posts game-related content, which has accumulated great numbers on YouTube. There are currently approximately 950 videos on his channel, with the oldest one dating to April 2018.
He also has a second channel – HG ESPORTS, which has over 522 thousand subscribers as of this writing.
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