Pushing rank in Free Fire is the ultimate goal for most seasoned players. Being able to showcase the rank in the profile is a matter of honor and pride. While a lot of time and skills go into the process, it wouldn't be possible without the help of a good character.
Although there are many to choose from, Xayne, K and Elite Andrew are the top tier in-game. While all three are good choices, only one can be the best. Who is the best for rank pushes? Read on to find out.
Detailed comparison of Xayne, K and Elite Andrew in Free Fire based on abilities and combat usage
1) Abilities
Xayne's ability is called Xtreme Encounter. Once activated, users will receive 80 bonus HP temporarily. They will also deal 100% increased damage to gloo walls and shields. The effect lasts for 10 seconds and has a cooldown period of 100 seconds.
K's ability is called Master of All. It has two modes. The Jiu-jitsu mode, when activated, rapidly converts EP to HP for allies within a 6-meter radius. Psychology mode helps the user recover 3 EP every 2.2 seconds. Additionally, the max EP is increased to 250.
Elite Andrew
Elite Andrew's ability is called Wolf Pack. It decreases vest durability loss by 12% and grants 11% damage reduction to armor. Using the skill also grants an additional 15% damage reduction from every teammate .
2) Combat
Xayne is useful in any situation in Free Fire. Her ability allows her to rush at opponents with ease thanks to the extra HP. Xayne increases damage dealt to Gloo Walls and Shields, granting users a chance to break down defenses and allow for more tactical options with ease.
K is good for solo players and team fights in Free Fire. His ability to rapidly convert EP to HP is invaluable in-game. This allows the user to tap into their EP pool to regenerate HP.
Elite Andrew
Elite Andrew's skill, when stacked, makes the user a tank in Free Fire. He can absorb a lot of damage from gunfire and keep engaging opponents without worry.
Choosing a character will depend on playstyle when it comes to rank push in Free Fire. However, K and his abilities stand out from the rest irrespective of the playstyle.
Being able to self-heal effortlessly, both passively and actively, is a massive deal for any player. While the character has no combat-oriented perks, outlasting opponents with a near-limitless HP pool has advantages.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions. The character abilities mentioned are at their maximum level.
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