Gaming laptops are ideal for professionals competing in tournaments as well as casual gamers who like to play video games in their free time. A lot of them are currently available and offer amazing performance as well as a seamless experience.
However, maintaining them to ensure the best experience in video games can be challenging, as modern titles are more demanding. Here are some of the best ways you can improve your gaming laptop's performance, from upgrading the hardware to tuning its settings.
Using a stand and 4 other ways to boost gaming laptop performance
1) Use dual-channel memory
If you only have one memory stick installed on your laptop, you're missing out on a lot of performance. Some PCs are still sold on the market with single-channel RAM. While a single stick may be fine for some gamers and can save them a few bucks, upgrading to two will result in a significant performance boost.
A few laptops, such as the Asus Zephyrus series, have only one slot. However, they have more memory soldered to the motherboard. This means that despite having only one memory slot, as long as you've got that one memory stick installed, the laptop will offer dual-channel RAM performance.
2) Disabling Optimus
Optimus is a technology through which gaming laptops can dynamically change between an Integrated Graphics Processor and Discrete Graphics Processor. When idle, it uses iGPU to render frames since this saves power.
However, in the Optimus system, when a GPU-intensive task is launched, the iGPU serves as a middleman between the dGPU and the screen, creating a bottleneck. Disabling Optimus will ensure that there is no middleman and that the dGPU can send the output directly to the display, resulting in a boosted performance.
3) Use a stand

One thing that can disrupt the gaming experience on a laptop is overheating. There are several reasons why you may have this problem, but one of the most common ones is bad placement of the computer.
There is a very straightforward solution to this issue. Simply using a stand will remove any airflow blockage, resulting in more favorable temperatures. If you're not able to use a stand, ensure that you're not accessing the laptop on the bed or on your lap; it must be on a hard, flat surface to facilitate airflow.
4) GPU overclocking
Overclocking is the process of increasing the clock speed of the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) beyond its factory-set limits. This yields better performance.
The goal of overclocking is to allow the GPU to render graphics faster and more efficiently. You'll notice more FPS in your games, less stuttering, smoother gameplay, and a more immersive gaming experience. One thing to keep in mind while overclocking is that it will increase the temperature and power consumption of the GPU, so make adjustments with caution.
5) Limit battery charge

Users often charge their gaming laptops all the way up to a hundred percent. Keeping them always at full charge is certainly not good for their battery's health.
Luckily, many modern gaming brands let gamers limit the battery charge level on their laptops. If you use your PC on battery, then you may consider charging it to full. However, if you have the option to plug it into the wall, this will grant your laptop a better battery life. This will help you game for longer at a stretch.
These are some of the most effective ways that will allow gaming laptops to work at their full potential. If you want your device to last for years and offer the best performance it can provide, you should definitely give these tips a try.