The Apple Vision Pro is just around the corner. Early previews of the device have already begun, and those who pre-ordered the headset have started receiving their units. Those who are still unsure can check out the device in person at an Apple Store by booking an appointment. Each of these showcases will last up to half an hour and include a full headset tour.
Let's review the details of booking a demo appointment and online reservations for the headsets.
How to book an online demo appointment for the Apple Vision Pro?
For those unfamiliar with the Apple Vision Pro demo process, it is a roughly 25-minute hands-on with the device in which an Apple employee walks you through the nitty-gritty of the headset, including its functionalities and usability.
Till now, Vision Pro appointments were only available to those visiting the store on a first-come-first-serve basis, which means you could end up waiting for hours before getting your chance at trying the Vision Pro.
Starting this Monday, Apple will be easing the demo appointment process a bit and start accepting appointments online. This replaces the first-come, first-serve model that all Apple Stores follow.
Strict pre-order and demo reservation guidelines made the Vision Pro launch the quietest in the past few years of Apple history. A new product generally attracts a lot of attention to Apple Stores, but hardly more than a couple dozen showed up for the headset.
With things easing up this week, you can easily try out the device and book a reservation later if you like. Apple has already started accepting demo appointments via its official website.
You can head over to the in-store shopping session page and then click on Book a demo to schedule an appointment at your local Apple Store. You need an Apple ID with two-factor authentication enabled to set up the demo.
What are the available dates for the Vision Pro demos?
Currently, only demos for the February 5 to 8 period are available. Apple hasn't notified when appointments for the next week will begin. However, we are expecting them to show up on the website this weekend. We will update this article once more information is available.
Can you get an Apple Vision Pro demo before your scheduled time slot?
Some users with reservations scheduled for Monday have also reported they got to check out the Vision Pro by simply walking into an Apple Store. So, if you already have a booked registration and some free time this weekend, feel free to head to your local store to get your demo.
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