Developed by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio and published by Sega, Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name is a new action-adventure game. Kazuma Kiryu returns as a protagonist in this title, continuing his saga in the Yakuza series. The game boasts a beat-up system, along with a new agent combat style.
Among all the elements present in Like a Dragon Gaiden, having a distinguished controller layout is crucial to achieving your desired results in combat and mastering this title's mechanics. The optimal controller settings for Like a Dragon Gaiden are provided below.
Best Like a Dragon Gaiden controller settings for an elevated experience
- Action/Sprint: A
- Use Wire Gadget: X
- Walk: RB
- Reset Camera: LT
- Spring: RT
- First-Person View: LS Button
- Enlarge/Minimize Minimap: RS Button
- Phone Camera: Up (D-pad)
- Read Email: Left (D-pad)
- Map: View Button
- Dodge/Serpent: A
- Grab Enemy/Spider: B
- Rush Combo/Firefly: X
- Finishing Blow/Hornet: Y
- Guard: LB
- Take Stance: RB
- Reset Camera/Disable Heat Actions: LT
- Extreme Heat Mode: RT
- Taunt: LS Button
- Change Battle Style: Down (D-pad)
- Close Tips: Right (D-pad)
- Map: View Button
- Confirm: A
- Cancel: B
- Use Item: Y
- Move Camera (Left): LB
- Move Camera (Right): RB
- Min. Bet: LT
- Max. Bet: RT
- Confirm: A
- Cancel: B
- Use Item: Y
- Confirm: A
- Cancel: B
- Hands: X
- View Rules: Y
- Confirm: A
- Cancel: B
- View Rules: Y
- Confirm: A
- Cancel: B
- Take Back: X
- Use Item: Y
- Super Take Back: LB
- Description: RB
- Begin Shot: A
- Cancel Shot: B
- Switch Camera: RB
UFO Catcher:
- Move Crane: A
- Cancel: B
- Insert Money: X
- Press/Rapid Press/Hold to Sing 1: A
- Press/Rapid Press/Hold to Sing 2: B
- Press/Rapid Press/Hold to Sing 3: X
- Press/Rapid Press/Hold to Sing 4: Y
- Confirm/Enter Shot Mode: A
- Canel/Cancel Shot: B
- Change Perspective: X
- Reset Shot Direction: Y
- Display/Hide Info: LB
- Display Ball Number: RB
- Reset Camera: LT
- Fast-Forward: RT
Pocket Circuit (racing):
- Racer's Focus: B
- Change Perspective: X
- Boost: Y
- Toggle Info Display: LS Button
Motor Raid:
- Punch: X
- Kick: Y
- Brake: LT
- Accelerate (Press Twice to Boost): RT
That concludes this guide for the best controller settings in Like a Dragon Gaiden.
Edited by Soumyadyuti Ghosh