Best Multiversus settings for RTX 3060 and RTX 3060 Ti

Multiversus runs at high framerates on the RTX 3060 and 3060 Ti (Image via Epic Games and Nvidia)
Multiversus runs at high framerates on the RTX 3060 and 3060 Ti (Image via Epic Games and Nvidia)

Multiversus is quite playable on modest video cards like the Nvidia RTX 3060 and 3060 Ti. The game isn't very graphically demanding, which makes things easier for budget PCs. Most capable GPUs can play the title at high framerates. However, for a competitive edge, you should review the controller and graphics settings.

We have prepared this cheat sheet with the ideal settings combinations for the RTX 3060 and the 3060 Ti. With its help, you can get the best FPS and maintain decent visual quality.

Multiversus settings for RTX 3060

The Nvidia RTX 3060 12 GB can play Multiversus at 1080p (Image via Nvidia)
The Nvidia RTX 3060 12 GB can play Multiversus at 1080p (Image via Nvidia)

The Nvidia RTX 3060 can play Multiversus easily at 1080p with the Very High settings applied. The game runs at over 60 FPS at FHD with these graphics options.

The best graphics, interface, and controller settings for the GPU are as follows:


  • Attack: B/▢
  • Special: A/△
  • Dodge: ◯/R2
  • Jump: Y/⨉
  • Neutral attack: RB/R1
  • Neutral special: LB/L1
  • Up: D-pad up
  • Right: D-pad right
  • Down: D-pad down
  • Left: D-pad left
  • Up taunt: Left trigger up
  • Right taunt: Left trigger right
  • Down taunt: Left trigger down
  • Left taunt: Left trigger left
  • Interact primary: LT
  • Up attack: Right trigger up
  • Right attack: Right trigger right
  • Down attack: Right trigger down
  • Left attack: Right trigger left


  • Scoreboard position: Top
  • Damage position: Player
  • Cooldown position: Both
  • Player name position: Both
  • My color: As per preference
  • Ally team color: As per preference
  • Enemy team color: As per preference
  • Player 3 color: As per preference
  • Player 4 color: As per preference
  • Show my outline: Yes
  • Show ally outline: Yes
  • Show enemy outline: Yes
  • Characters use team colors: Yes

Audio and language

  • Master volume: 10
  • Sound volume: 10
  • Music volume: 10
  • Dialog volume: 10
  • Audio output: Speakers
  • Audio profile: Default
  • Mute on focus lost: Off
  • Streamer mode: Off
  • Language: English
  • Subtitles: Small
  • Mature language: As per preference


  • Window mode: Fullscreen
  • Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080
  • Resolution scale: Best quality
  • Monitor: Primary display
  • Vertical sync: Off
  • One frame thread lag: Off
  • Character occlusion: On
  • Quality presets: Very high
  • Antialiasing quality: Very high
  • Texture quality: Very high
  • Visual FX quality: Very high
  • Shadow quality: Very high

Multiversus settings for RTX 3060 Ti

The 3060 Ti can play Multiversus at 1440p (Image via Amazon)
The 3060 Ti can play Multiversus at 1440p (Image via Amazon)

The RTX 3060 Ti is a bit more powerful than its non-Ti sibling. With it, you can play Multiversus at up to 1440p resolutions with the Very High options applied. The detailed settings recommendation are as follows:


  • Attack: B/▢
  • Special: A/△
  • Dodge: ◯/R2
  • Jump: Y/⨉
  • Neutral attack: RB/R1
  • Neutral special: LB/L1
  • Up: D-pad up
  • Right: D-pad right
  • Down: D-pad down
  • Left: D-pad left
  • Up taunt: Left trigger up
  • Right taunt: Left trigger right
  • Down taunt: Left trigger down
  • Left taunt: Left trigger left
  • Interact primary: LT
  • Up attack: Right trigger up
  • Right attack: Right trigger right
  • Down attack: Right trigger down
  • Left attack: Right trigger left


  • Scoreboard position: Top
  • Damage position: Player
  • Cooldown position: Both
  • Player name position: Both
  • My color: As per preference
  • Ally team color: As per preference
  • Enemy team color: As per preference
  • Player 3 color: As per preference
  • Player 4 color: As per preference
  • Show my outline: Yes
  • Show ally outline: Yes
  • Show enemy outline: Yes
  • Characters use team colors: Yes

Audio and language

  • Master volume: 10
  • Sound volume: 10
  • Music volume: 10
  • Dialog volume: 10
  • Audio output: Speakers
  • Audio profile: Default
  • Mute on focus lost: Off
  • Streamer mode: Off
  • Language: English
  • Subtitles: Small
  • Mature language: As per preference


  • Window mode: Fullscreen
  • Screen resolution: 2560 x 1440
  • Resolution scale: Best quality
  • Monitor: Primary display
  • Vertical sync: Off
  • One frame thread lag: Off
  • Character occlusion: On
  • Quality presets: Very high
  • Antialiasing quality: Very high
  • Texture quality: Very high
  • Visual FX quality: Very high
  • Shadow quality: Very high

The RTX 3060 and the 3060 Ti continue to be among the best GPUs for playing demanding titles despite their mounting age. With the above tweaks applied, Multiversus plays quite well on these last-gen cards.

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Edited by Rachel Syiemlieh
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