The best settings for Delta Force: Hawk Ops on PC is what players need to get the best performance from the game during the ongoing Alpha test. The game's publisher, TiMi Studio Group, has also revealed the system requirements, which are pretty low. Most players with an Nvidia GTX 960 and above will be able to play this game just fine. However, the game will perform best if you have the GTX 1060 and above.
In this article, you will find all the necessary Delta Force: Hawk Ops PC settings for the best gameplay experience.
NOTE: Some settings depend on the user's preference. Also, some settings may change once the game is out of the Alpha test.
Delta Force: Hawk Ops best settings on PC
Here are all the recommended settings for Delta Force: Hawk Ops on PC for best performance:

These settings determine how the gameplay mechanics in Delta Force: Hawk Ops work. There are a ton of options here for you to customize it to your liking. Follow these settings for the best gameplay experience:
- Automatic Airborne Mantle: Off
- Weapon Switching Via Scroll Wheel: On
- Independent Tectical Stance Control: Off
- Scope Magnification Adapts Automatically: On
Hit Effects
- Hit Effect Color: Red
- Turret Locked While Turning Vehicle: Off
- Vehicles 3rd Person FOV: 100
- Tank 3rd Person Mouse Sensitivity: 7
- Tank First Person Mouse Sensitivity: 5
- Helicopter 3rd Person Mouse Sensitivity: 7
- Helicopter First Person Mouse Sensitivity: 5
- Gunner Aim Sensitivity: 6
- Mute Squadmates' Marking Voice: Off
- Wheel Screen Transparency: 100
- Mark Transparency: 100
- Put Favorite Items in the Safebox First: On
- Put High-Value Items in the Safebox First: On
- Value Threshold for Items Put into Safebox First: 10000
- Different Items Sorting on Separate Rows: Off
- Auto-Sort When Opening Stash: Off
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All mouse & key settings for Delta Force: Hawk Ops PC:
Mouse Sensitivity
The mouse sensitivity settings are related to the aim and how it behaves. Use these settings for the best results in Delta Force: Hawk Ops:
- Mouse Sensitivity: 5 - 8 (Depends on your mouse's DPI)
- Vertical Sensitivity: 1.0
- Horizon Sensitivity: 1.0
- Hip-Fire Aim Sensitivity Multiplier: 1.0
- Hip-Fire Aim Vertical Sensitivity: 1.0
- Hip-Fire Aim Horizontal Sensitivity: 1.0
- Hip-Fire Aim Sensitivity Type: MDV only
- Monitor Distance Coefficient: 1.33
- ADS Sensitivity: Transition during Aiming
- Scope Magnification Adapts Automatically: On
- Invert All Vertical Input: Off
- Invert Infantry Vertical Input: Off
- Invert Ground Vehicle Driver Vertical Input: Off
- Invert Aircraft Vertical input: Off
- Invert Gunner Vertical Input: Off
Controls & Combat
- Keep the default settings
Screen & Interaction
- Keep the default settings
- Keep the default settings
Also read: Is Delta Force Hawk Ops coming to Xbox X/S

These settings decide how on-screen HUD elements appear on the screen. Follow these settings for the best result when playing Delta Force: Hawk Ops on PC:
- Show Performance Parameters: On
Tactical Turmoil Mode
- Show Detailed Item Pickup Tips: On
- Close Backup and Pick Up Tabs When Being Attacked: On
Havoc Warfare Mode
- Rotating Perspective: Off
- Infantry FOV (m): 85
- Ground Vehicle FOV (m): 150
- Aircraft FOV (m): 240
- Minimap Icon Scale: 90%/User preference
- Text Language: English/User Preference
- Voice Language: English/User Preference

Follow these graphics settings for the best competitive performance in Delta Force: Hawk Ops on PC:
- Monitor: Choose the best monitor
- Display Adapter: Choose your GPU
- Display Mode: Borderless Windowed
- Show Aspect Ratio: Auto
- Brightness: 50
- Frame Rate Cap: Unlimited
- Sharpness: 50
- V-sync: Off/User preference (Turn it on if you don't have G-sync or FreeSync monitor)
Field of View
- Default FOV: 90 (Increasing FOV will lower FPS)
- Scope Magnification: On/User preference
Basic Graphics
- Graphics Preset: Custom
- Graphics Style: Default
- Weapon Motion Blur: Off
- Reflections: Low
- Texture Filtering: High
- Particles: Low
- Distortion: Low
- Scene Details: Medium
- Scene View Details: High
- Advanced Graphics
- Rendering Scale: 66
- Depth of Field: Off
- Global Illumination Quality: Low
- Shaders: High
- Textures: High
- Streaming: Medium
- Shadow: Low
- Shadow Map: Low
- Post-Processing: Low
- Volumetric Fog: Low
- Animation: Medium
Super Resolution
- Super Resolution Mode: Off (Turn on if you have low framerate)
- NVIDIA REFLEX: On (Only on Nvidia GPU)
Ray Tracing
- Enable Ray Tracing: Off
- Ray-Traced Reflections: Default

All audio settings for Delta Force: Hawk Ops on PC:
Master Audio
- Master Volume: 100
- Audio Output Mode: Headphones
- HRTF: Off
Individual Volume
- Music Volume: 70
- Sound Effects Volume: 100
- UI Volume: 70
- Voice Volume: 90/User preference
- Squadmate Volume: Default 100/User preference
- Mic Volume: Default 100/User preference
- Mic Mode Switch: User preference
- Mic Input: Choose your mic here
This concluded our list of the best settings for Delta Force: Hawk Ops on PC. Every setting, from mouse sensitivity to graphics, has been explored and listed for the best results.
Check out our other Delta Force: Hawk Ops articles:
- Will Delta Force Hawk Ops be free to play
- Delta Force: Hawk Ops Alpha test system requirements
- Delta Force Hawk Ops game modes
- How to pre-register Delta Force Hawk Ops
- Best PC settings for Delta Force: Hawk Ops