Electronic Arts published Star Wars Jedi Survivor as a sequel to the Fallen Order on April 28, 2023. The action-adventure title offers a stunning visual experience for the player base. This makes the game quite demanding in terms of specs and requires a powerful graphics card for a smooth gameplay experience. However, optimizing the game can cause a few frame rate issues.
The Nvidia RTX 3090 Ti is easily one of the best heavy-duty cards on the market, even if it is a generation older. The card is designed to run such titles at high resolution and delivers an ideal gaming experience with high rendering capabilities. It can also utilize Ray Tracing technology to recreate a realistic environment interacting with light.
This article will outline the best Star Wars Jedi Survivor graphics settings for the Nvidia RTX 3090 Ti.
Most optimal Star Wars Jedi Survivor graphics settings for Nvidia RTX 3090 Ti
The RTX 3090 Ti is a top-shelf product that can breeze through most modern triple-A titles without compromising settings. Players can use this powerful graphics card to play the game at a higher resolution without lowering the overall graphics preset.
The card can deliver a smooth gameplay experience with stable frame rates while pushing the visual elements to maximum settings. RTX 3090 Ti users can easily run the game without suffering any backlash on the hardware aspect.
Here are the graphics settings for RTX 3090 Ti users:
- Resolution: 3840 x 2160
- Window Mode: Fullscreen
- Graphics Quality: Custom
- View Distance: Epic
- Shadow Quality: Epic
- Anti-Aliasing: Epic
- Texture Quality: High
- Visual Effects: Epic
- Post Processing: Epic
- Foliage Detail: Epic
- Field of View: Default
- VSync: Off
- Ray Tracing: Off
- AMD FIdelityFX Super Resolution 2 (FSR 2): Quality
Color & Brightness:
- Brightness: Default
- Motion Blur: Off
- Film Grain: Off
- Chromatic Aberration: Off
- Camera Shake: Player preference
- Ambient Camera Sway: Player preference
- Hide HUD: Off
The RTX 3090 Ti can support the game at 4K resolution with Ray Tracing turned on, but it may reduce the overall frame rate. This can cause players to experience stuttering in some regions of the map where the card is tasked with rendering many assets.
However, players can lower the resolution to 1440p if they face sudden frame drops or stuttering issues. The same can also be done for other graphics settings like “Foliage Detail” and “Texture Quality” to avoid overheating the card. This will also ensure the longevity of the hardware by quelling the excessive rendering load on the graphics card.
Star Wars Jedi Survivor features an adventurous story and constant character development. It presents a serene yet dangerous battlefield where players must increase their proficiency in different abilities. Be sure to follow Sportskeeda for more graphics settings and Star Wars Jedi Survivor gameplay guides.
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