Star Wars Jedi Survivor is the sequel to 2019's popular action-adventure game Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. Built on Unreal Engine 4, the current-gen title looks absolutely stunning. While the PC port of the game is terrible at the moment, it takes advantage of the current-gen console's computing capabilities to deliver a compelling gameplay experience. Fans of the series can play the game right now on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Windows PC.
Although the game runs fine on the PS5, there's always room for improvement. Thanks to the varied graphics options in Star Wars Jedi Survivor, players can tweak the experience to their liking. Moreover, the PS5 comes with two modes that either prioritize performance or quality, giving players more options now than ever.
Optimal settings for Star Wars Jedi Survivor on the PS5
As previously mentioned, PlayStation 5 offers two modes to play the game in. These two modes are 'Quality' and 'Performance.' The Quality mode offers a locked 30 FPS experience with a maximum resolution of up to 4K. On the other hand, the Performance mode enables users to play the game at 1440p with a framerate target of 60 FPS, which the console can keep up with most of the time.
Both these modes have their own advantages and disadvantages and depending on one's use case scenario, the preferred mode would differ. For instance, for players who game on a monitor, it is recommended to go with the Performance mode as the differences in the visuals won't be noticeable, and the extra frames will surely lead to more fluid movement and combat.
For gamers who usually prefer couch gaming on a large TV, it is recommended to go for the Quality mode as the textures here will be crisper and allow for a visually appealing experience.
While this is a change that players will make based on their preferences, a few settings must be changed immediately for a better overall experience. They are:
- Field of View: Widest
Color and Brightness
- HDR Output: On
- HDR Brightness: Player preference
- Motion Blur: Off
- Film Grain: Off
- Chromatic Aberration: Off
- Camera shake: 40%
- Ambient camera sway: 0%
- Hide HUD: Off
One should tweak these settings to optimize their Star Wars Jedi Survivor gameplay experience on the PS5. It is worth noting that the game isn't without its issues. Even on consoles, there are plenty of bugs that needs to be fixed.
For instance, turning on HDR might result in overly dark textures. Hence, before using these settings, players should remember that they will merely alleviate the gameplay experience and won't eliminate the issues Star Wars Jedi Survivor currently suffers from.
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