Street Fighter 6 is the latest entry and the seventh installment of the popular fighting game franchise Street Fighter. The game features numerous graphical upgrades and new game modes, marking the series's entry into next-gen gaming. However, being a newly launched title, it isn't easy to run, especially on older hardware.
Street Fighter 6 recommends an RTX 2070 GPU, an upper mid-range graphics card from the RTX 2000 series lineup. RTX 2060 and RTX 2060 Super are also from the same series of Nvidia GPUs. However, these two cards fall below the recommended RTX 2070. Fortunately, with good optimization on PC and some tweaks, the game can run perfectly well on the two graphics cards mentioned above.
This guide will look closer at the best graphics settings for Street Fighter 6 with the RTX 2060 and the RTX 2060 Super.
Street Fighter 6 graphics settings RTX 2060
Street Fighter 6, at its core, is a fighting game. Hence, you should optimize the game for high and stable framerates instead of graphical fidelity. While the highest graphics settings will deliver a visually appealing experience, it might not be ideal for fast-paced combat as only a few players will pay attention to detail amidst the fight.
Keeping this in mind, the following settings are suggested with the RTX 2060 in SF6:
Basic Display Settings
- Screen Shake: Player preference
- Subtitles: Player preference
- Subtitle Background Settings: Player preference
- Screen Brightness: Anywhere between 40 to 55
- Quality: Custom
- Resolution: 1920x1080
Basic Graphics Settings
- Fighting Ground Background Object Density: Crowded
- Internal Resolution: 5
- Display Mode: Fullscreen
- Maximum Frame Rate: 120
- Ambient Occlusion: On
- Screen Space Reflections: Off
- Motion Blur: Off
- VSync: Off
- NPCs: Crowded
- Subsurface Scattering (Skin Effect): Off
- Antialiasing: On
- Depth of Field Effect: Off
- Limit World Tour Battle to 30 FPS: Off
Detailed Graphics settings
- Lighting Quality: High
- Texture Quality: Highest
- Mesh Quality: High
- Shadow Quality: High
- Shader Quality: High
- Effects Quality: High
- Sampling Quality: Standard
- Bloom: High
Street Fighter 6 graphics settings RTX 2060 Super
Although the RTX 2060 Super is more powerful than the RTX 2060, it is still weaker than the RTX 2070. Hence, compromises will be required here as well for a competitive experience. Additionally, the game's World Tour mode can be taxing on hardware and result in unstable framerates.
To get the best possible experience in Street Fighter 6 with the RTX 2060 Super, the following settings are recommended:
Basic Display Settings
- Screen Shake: Player preference
- Subtitles: Player preference
- Subtitle Background Settings: Player preference
- Screen Brightness: Anywhere between 40 to 55
- Quality: Custom
- Resolution: 1920x1080
Basic Graphics Settings
- Fighting Ground Background Object Density: Crowded
- Internal Resolution: 5
- Display Mode: Fullscreen
- Maximum Frame Rate: 120
- Ambient Occlusion: On
- Screen Space Reflections: On
- Motion Blur: Off
- VSync: Off
- NPCs: Crowded
- Subsurface Scattering (Skin Effect): On
- Antialiasing: On
- Depth of Field Effect: Off
- Limit World Tour Battle to 30 FPS: Off
Detailed Graphics settings
- Lighting Quality: Ultra High
- Texture Quality: Highest
- Mesh Quality: High
- Shadow Quality: High
- Shader Quality: High
- Effects Quality: High
- Sampling Quality: Standard
- Bloom: High
These are the best graphics settings for Street Fighter 6 with the RTX 2060 and the RTX 2060 Super. If users are unsatisfied with the results these settings deliver, they should start with these settings and then tweak them as per their preference.