Street Fighter 6 is the seventh and the latest installment in the series. Developed and published by Capcom, the game features numerous graphical and technological improvements over its predecessor. The new World Tour mode is one of the major highlights this time around, allowing gamers to explore the streets of Metro City in an immersive experience.
While these upgrades are certainly impressive, they aren't resource heavy. For instance, the game only recommends an RTX 2070 for the GPU.
The Steam Deck is Valve's entry into the portable PC gaming space. Although it is a handheld device, it packs a punch for its size. The product can play almost all new triple-A releases conveniently, thanks to its 800p display and support for AMD's FSR.
While it is true that it doesn't possess the prowess of the RTX 2070, it can deliver solid results in Street Fighter 6. That said, this guide will take a closer look at the best SF6 graphics settings for the Steam Deck.
Street Fighter 6 graphics settings Steam Deck
Street Fighter 6 is perfectly playable on the Steam Deck. Despite the limitations of the device, it can handle even the most intense sequences pretty well. However, it is worth noting that the game is yet to receive a 'Verified' compatibility rating from Valve and official support from Capcom. Hence, you might face occasional issues in the title.
That said, with the correct graphics settings, you can eliminate most of these problems and enjoy a smooth and consistent fighting experience. The values suggested in this guide will optimize the game for stable framerates without compromising much on the visuals.
Keeping this in mind, here are the best graphics settings for Street Fighter 6 on the Steam Deck:
Basic Display Settings
- Screen Shake: Player preference
- Subtitles: Player preference
- Subtitle Background Settings: Player preference
- Screen Brightness: Anywhere between 40 to 55
- Quality: Custom
- Resolution: 1280x720
Basic Graphics Settings
- Fighting Ground Background Object Density: Standard
- Internal Resolution: 5
- Display Mode: Windowed
- Maximum Frame Rate: 60
- Ambient Occlusion: Off
- Screen Space Reflections: Off
- Motion Blur: Off
- VSync: On
- NPCs: Uncrowded
- Subsurface Scattering (Skin Effect): Off
- Antialiasing: On
- Depth of Field Effect: Off
- Limit World Tour Battle to 30 FPS: On
Detailed Graphics settings
- Lighting Quality: High
- Texture Quality: High
- Mesh Quality: Normal
- Shadow Quality: Normal
- Shader Quality: Low
- Effects Quality: Low
- Sampling Quality: Standard
- Bloom: Off
These particular values will deliver the most optimal experience in Street Fighter 6 on the Steam Deck.
Exploring Street Fighter 6's PC system requirements
Despite being a new game, the system requirements for SF6 are quite moderate. They are:
Minimum requirements:
- Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
- OS: Windows 10 (64-bit required)
- Processor: Intel Core i5-7500 / AMD Ryzen 3 1200
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: GTX1060 (VRAM 6GB) / Radeon RX 580 (VRAM 4GB)
- DirectX: Version 12
- Storage: 60 GB available space
Recommended requirements:
- Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
- OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)/Windows 11 (64-bit)
- Processor: Intel Core i7 8700 / AMD Ryzen 5 3600
- Memory: 16 GB RAM
- Graphics: RTX 2070 / Radeon RX 5700XT
- DirectX: Version 12
- Storage: 60 GB available space
That covers the best graphics settings for Street Fighter 6 on the Steam Deck. However, if players are not satisfied with the results, it is advised to start out with these values and then tweak them as required.