Best The First Descendant graphics settings for Nvidia RTX 3060 and RTX 3060 Ti

The Nvidia RTX 3060 and 3060 Ti can play Th First Descendant at comfortable framerates (Image via Nexon and Nvidia)
The Nvidia RTX 3060 and 3060 Ti can play The First Descendant at comfortable framerates (Image via Nexon and Nvidia)

The Nvidia RTX 3060 and 3060 Ti continue to be capable of handling the latest titles like The First Descendant. The looter shooter is already out and is a bit on the demanding side. We recommend a few graphics settings tweaks to maintain a decent framerate. The game supports DLSS, FSR, and XeSS, which makes it easy for more modest hardware like the 3060 to maintain a high FPS.

In this article, we have listed the ideal graphics settings combinations for The First Descendant. You can use these settings to quickly get started in the video game.

The First Descendant graphics settings for Nvidia RTX 3060

The First Descendant features fantastic graphics on PC (Image via Nexon)
The First Descendant features fantastic graphics on PC (Image via Nexon)

The Nvidia RTX 3060 was launched for 1080p gaming, and it continues to be capable enough at this resolution. With DLSS set to Quality, you can expect a playable framerate in The First Descendant. The game runs well with a mix of High and Ultra settings applied. Cranking a few options down helps ensure decent visuals while maintaining a high framerate.

The following settings list is recommended for the video game.

  • Graphics: Custom


  • Upscale type: Nvidia DLSS
  • Upscale mode: Quality
  • Vsync: Off
  • Nvidia Reflex Low Latency: On
  • Frame generation: N/A
  • Frame rate limiter: Unlimited

Advanced settings

  • Visibility: Ultra
  • Anti-aliasing: High
  • Post processing: Ultra
  • Shadows: High
  • Global illumination: High
  • Reflections: High
  • Textures: High
  • Effects: High
  • Vegetation: High
  • Shader quality: Ultra
  • Object: Ultra
  • Physics: Ultra
  • Motion blur: On

The First Descendant graphics settings for Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti

The RTX 3060 Ti can play The First Descendant at over 60 FPS (Image via Nexon)
The RTX 3060 Ti can play The First Descendant at over 60 FPS (Image via Nexon)

The Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti is a bit more capable than its 12 GB sibling. At 1080p, the card can comfortably handle The First Descendant at over 65 FPS with a mix of High and Ultra settings applied. We still recommend setting DLSS to Quality to avoid any framerate issues.

The 3060 Ti also packs enough rendering prowess to play the game at 1440p. Unless you have a QHD monitor, we don't recommend the resolution because you'll have to crank down most of the settings to get a similar framerate.

The detailed settings list is as follows:

  • Graphics: Custom


  • Upscale type: Nvidia DLSS
  • Upscale mode: Quality
  • Vsync: Off
  • Nvidia Reflex Low Latency: On
  • Frame generation: N/A
  • Frame rate limiter: Unlimited

Advanced settings

  • Visibility: Ultra
  • Anti-aliasing: High
  • Post processing: Ultra
  • Shadows: High
  • Global illumination: High
  • Reflections: High
  • Textures: High
  • Effects: High
  • Vegetation: High
  • Shader quality: Ultra
  • Object: Ultra
  • Physics: Ultra
  • Motion blur: On

Overall, both the RTX 3060 and 3060 Ti continue to be quite capable in the latest video games. They can deliver 60 FPS comfortably at 1080p without major hiccups. However, you have to crank down some of the settings to maintain the framerate.

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Edited by Ashmita Bhatt
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