Dragon's Dogma 2, much like any other action role-playing game, is best played using a controller. Yes, if you're on PC or Xbox, you can use a keyboard and mouse to explore the forests of Vermund or the deserts of Battahl, while also going toe-to-toe against behemoth monsters. But honestly, a controller is much more efficient, especially for a third-person action game like this.
The combat in Dragon's Dogma 2 is fast-paced, and thus requires swift reflexes. As such, having the best set of controller settings is paramount for victory against the adversaries you'll be facing in the game. Thankfully the default controller layout works fine and dandy.
Here's a look at the best controller settings in Dragon's Dogma 2 for PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and Windows PC.
Dragon's Dogma 2 best controller settings for Xbox Series X|S
Dragon's Dogma 2's combat relies mostly on the vocation skills that you choose for your Arisen. On a controller, the vocation skills are triggered by pressing LB in combination with the four face buttons. At any given time, you have access to four of these skills, each bound to one of the face buttons. Do note that using these skills consumes stamina.

Since most of the basic combat maneuvers are bound to multiple inputs, you would want to take a look at the controller layout before starting your adventure as an Arisen. Here are the controller settings for Xbox:
Movement and exploration
- Move: Left analog stick
- Dash: LS or B
- Jump: A
- Examine: B
- Move camera: Right analog stick
- Reset camera: RS
- Light attack: X
- Heavy attack: Y
- Vocation action: RB
- Weapon skill 1: LB + X
- Weapon skill 2: LB + Y
- Weapon skill 3: LB + A
- Weapon skill 4: LB + B
- Grab: RT
- Sheath/draw weapon: LT
Pawn commands
- Pawn Command: Go!: D-pad Up
- Pawn Command: To me!: D-pad Down
- Pawn Command: Help!: D-pad Left
- Pawn Command: Wait!: D-pad Right
- Pause menu: Menu button
- Map: View button
Do note that you can rebind certain controls on Xbox Series X|S, but a few cannot be altered, like movement and camera controls.
Dragon's Dogma 2 best controller settings for PS5

Much like Xbox Series consoles, the default PS5 controller layout is perfect. Here's a look at Dragon's Dogma 2's PS5 controller settings:
Movement and exploration
- Move: Left analog stick
- Dash: L3 or B
- Jump: X
- Examine: Circle
- Move camera: Right analog stick
- Reset camera: R3
- Light attack: Square
- Heavy attack: Triangle
- Vocation action: R1
- Weapon skill 1: L1 + Square
- Weapon skill 2: L1 + Triangle
- Weapon skill 3: L1 + X
- Weapon skill 4: L1 + Circle
- Grab: R2
- Sheath/draw weapon: L2
Pawn commands
- Pawn Command: Go!: D-pad Up
- Pawn Command: To me!: D-pad Down
- Pawn Command: Help!: D-pad Left
- Pawn Command: Wait!: D-pad Right
- Pause menu: Options button
- Map: Touchpad
While I do think the default layout is perfect, the one thing that you can change is to bind "dash" to LS or L3, exclusively. I can't recall how many times I accidentally ended up initiating a sprint while trying to pick some trinkets or examine something.
Lastly, for PC players, Dragon's Dogma 2 comes with support for both Xbox and PS5 controllers, with identical settings.