AMD will launch the Radeon RX 7900 XT on December 13 in the first wave of the RX 7000 series releases. The card will be slightly slower than the flagship RX 7900 XTX, based on the same RDNA 3-based Navi 31 processor. This new generation of graphics cards comes with 60-70% more performance than the last-gen.
The RX 6950 XT, launched as a flagship entry in Navi 2-based RX 6000 series lineup from 2020, was almost as fast or slightly slower than the RTX 3090, the first Big Ferocious GPU (BFGPU) from Nvidia.
Both graphics cards have been significantly discounted since graphics cards flooded the market following the crypto crash. Thus, several gamers need clarification about which GPU to opt for.
How much of a jump is the Radeon RX 7900 XT over the RTX 3090?
Being a next-gen product, there is no doubt that the RX 7900 XT is much faster than the RTX 3090. However, gamers should explore the margin by which the 7900 XT can beat Team Green's flagship entry from 2020.
The RTX 3090 is a very fast card for high-end gaming, even at UHD resolution. Gamers will not experience frame rate drops even while playing in the highest-possible in-game settings.
The RX 6950 XT also delivers a similar performance in UHD gaming. However, when pitched against RTX 3090, its ray tracing performance turns out to be a bit underwhelming. Also, the productivity performance of the Radeon RX 6000 flagship falls apart when compared to the 3090.
On paper, the RX 7900 XT is a very impressive product. It is based on the flagship Navi 31 GPU and packs 5,376 stream processors, 336 Texture Mapping Units (TMUs), 192 Render Output Units (ROPs), 84 RT cores, and 20 GB of GDDR6 memory that is based on a wide 320-bit memory bus.
According to the performance claims made by AMD, the 7900 XT is around 40 to 50% faster than the RX 6950 XT. Thus, gamers can expect much better performance compared to the last-gen equivalent.
However, it is worth noting that the RTX 3090 is an equally impressive product on paper. It packs 10,496 CUDA cores, 328 TMUs, 112 ROPs, and 24 GB of GDDR6X memory based on a wider 384-bit memory bus. However, it is only as fast as the RX 6950 XT. Thus, gamers can expect around 40 to 50% more performance with the 7900 XT.
The best part about the AMD Radeon RX 7900 XT is its pricing. The card can be picked up for around $899, with third-party AIB variants going up by another $100.
Thus, the Radeon card is cheaper than the RTX 3090. In this Black Friday sale, the best deal on the 3090 is $1100. Thus, gamers will have to pay a bit extra if they opt for the slower and older RTX flagship GPU.
However, gamers should take the performance claims made by AMD with a grain of salt. Generally, the numbers are obtained in an environment that is hard to regenerate in a gamer's setup. Thus, performance metrics can vary by a certain margin. But this does not change the fact that the RX 7900 XT will be faster than the RTX 3090.