Are you trying to locate your personal or someone’s Discord ID? Users need to enable a few settings before accessing this hidden feature, which can be helpful to server owners and bot developers.
The quintessential VoIP and instant messaging service is known for its versatile features that enable users to communicate seamlessly. The social platform is also known for its flexibility with usernames. With a four-digit numeric tag to keep things unique, users can get creative and pick any username they like.
However, this isn’t how Discord keeps track of its users’ individuality. When an account is created, the platform assigns it a unique 16-digit ID. This numeric combination helps the service separate user accounts from one another.
Enable Developer Mode through desktop website, Android, or iOS app to access Discord IDs
To access anyone’s ID, including your own, you’ll need to enable the Developer Mode first. Here’s how you can do the same via multiple platforms:
- On the desktop website/app: Click on the Cog icon beside your tag to open User Settings. Under App Settings, locate and click on the Advanced option. Now, toggle the button for Developer Mode to enable it.
- On the iOS app: Tap on the Profile icon to open it. Scroll down to access User Settings. Under App Settings, go to Appearance > Advanced and toggle the Developer Mode to enable it.
- On the Android app: Tap on the Profile icon to open it. Scroll down to access User Settings. Under App Settings, go to Behavior > Advanced and toggle the Developer Mode to enable it.
Once the Developer Mode is enabled, you can access anyone’s ID. Here’s how to do so:
- Go to the user's profile on the Android, iOS, or Desktop app.
- Locate the three horizontal dots icon beside the tag. Tap on it to expand options.
- Locate and tap on the Copy ID option to copy that user’s Discord ID to the clipboard.
You can also access unique IDs for servers, channels, and direct messages. To access Server IDs, follow these steps:
- On the desktop app or website, right-click the server’s name above its channel list and scroll down to locate Copy ID.
- On the iOS/Android app, tap and hold the server’s name above its channel list to expand options. Locate Copy ID and tap on it.
Similarly, to access Channel IDs on a server, right-click or tap and hold the channel name and select Copy ID.
For Message IDs, click or tap on the three dots beside the message to get the Copy ID option. This is incredibly useful when you want to report a Direct Message to Discord support or keep track of an important conversation.
Regular users usually don’t need to keep track of their unique IDs – knowing your special tag suffices. However, in some cases, registration forms for tournaments or events that require your Discord information may ask for your ID instead of your tag to avoid identification issues.
Server owners and bot developers may require IDs to identify accounts correctly. Users may change their public tag for the fun of it or to mask their identity on the platform, but the ID attached to their account cannot be edited. Hence, an ID can be used to keep accurate track of users on servers or to manage permissions.