More people have experienced the dreaded "iPhone not charging" issue than you can imagine. While Apple is known for making top-tier devices, they are bound to malfunction at some point or other. Whether it's an old battery or software issue, you're bound to experience the iPhone not charging error at least once in your time with the smartphone. If you are also going through this, don't panic.
There are some things to consider and check before you write it off and head to the service center. An iPhone's battery replacement can get pretty expensive, and it would be best to ensure it's not something easily fixable. In this article, we will look at some of the most common reasons why your device is not charging.
Why is my iPhone not charging? Possible reasons and solutions explored
Usually, the issue is more simple and straightforward then it looks. You might have updated to a beta software, the weather might be too hot in your region, the charging accessory is not supported, etc. It can be any of these reasons and more why your iPhone not charging. Here are some things to check before you decide to replace the battery.
1) Check if Optimal Charging is on

iPhones have a built-in feature to maintain the optimal health of your battery, which ensures that it doesn't age quickly. However, you might see your iPhone not charging beyond 80% when this feature is enabled.
If your smartphone is not charging beyond 80%, check if Optimal Battery Charging is on. You can do so by heading to Settings > Battery > Battery Health on your iPhone. Toggle off the feature off if you see it's on.
2) Ensure your iPhone is not hot

Even when you turn off the Optimal Battery Charging feature, you might witness your iPhone not charging beyond 80% at times. This is because of the built-in safety feature in all devices, from older models to the latest iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max. Apple suggests that 32º to 95º F is the ambient temperature range for iPhones. If your device is overheated, it might not charge beyond 80%.
Therefore, if you are in a tropical region where the temperature frequently soars and your smartphone is not charging, try doing so once it has cooled down or move your charger and device to an air-conditioned area.
3) Inspect the charging cable

One of the first things you must do is ensure your charging cable is not faulty. Apple lightning cables are infamous for fraying, and if yours look like it needs a replacement, it is best to go ahead and get one. Try reversing the pin if your charging cable is brand new and still not charging your iPhone. Also, using the original cable and charging brick or an MFI-certified accessory is best.
If it works with other devices but you see your iPhone is not charging with it, the issue lies with the phone. If it's not powering up any device, then the problem lies elsewhere. It's best to check what other reason could be present before writing off the cable.
4) Ensure your iPhone is plugged in properly

Check if the wall plug you are using to charge the device is working properly. Switch to another wall outlet and check if the iPhone not charging issue persists. If not, it's time to replace the cable or the charger. However, use multiple combinations to figure out if the issue lies with the cable or brick.
If you are charging using a laptop, ensure that the computer is fully working and not in hibernation or sleep mode. And if you are charging wirelessly, make sure that the charger you are using is MagSafe compatible and the case you are using is wireless-charging compatible.
5) Check your iPhone's lightning port

However much you care for your iPhone, the fact remains that it's a daily-use item that's being carried everywhere and exposed to the elements. It's natural for lint and debris to accumulate in the lightning port, which hinders the process. Look at it closely and if you see a buildup, try to clean it gently with a non-metallic pointed object like a toothpick. This is one of the most common reasons for the "iPhone not charging" issue faced by many.
If the buildup is too difficult to remove, it's best to take it to a certified Apple technician. You might damage the port if you try to clean it a bit too roughly. Once it is clean, invest in a good 360-degree case with a protective flap for the charging slot. While you will still have dust accumulation in such cases, there won't be any large particles like debris to hinder the charging process.
6) Stay on the latest stable iOS version

Once you have tried all of the above methods and still see your iPhone is not charging, it's bound to be a software issue. If you are on the latest iOS 16.5 or one of the beta updates, the problem could be a bug specific to your particular model. In this case, it would be best to downgrade to a stable version or wait for Apple to roll out a stable update for your device.
Ultimately, if everything else fails and/or your battery health dips below 80%, you must take your iPhone to the nearest service center. You can find the nearest one on the brand's official website. However, it's best to tick off all the reasons listed in this article when you see your iPhone not charging, before considering replacing the battery.