Nvidia is a leading manufacturer of graphics cards, and its software, Nvidia GeForce Experience, includes a built-in Nvidia FPS (frames per second) counter. This feature allows you to monitor the performance of your game and ensure that it runs at optimal speeds.
The FPS counter is a built-in tool in Nvidia's graphics driver software that lets users keep track of their graphics card's performance and the number of frames rendered per second. Importantly, it can be enabled through the Nvidia Control Panel and can be displayed in-game or on the desktop. It can also help troubleshoot issues such as low FPS or stuttering.
This article discusses the steps to set up and use the Nvidia FPS counter.
Steps to set up and use the Nvidia FPS counter
1) Install and update Nvidia drivers

Before using the Nvidia FPS counter, ensure you have the latest Nvidia drivers installed on your computer. This can be downloaded from the Nvidia website. Once that's done, install the drivers. Following that, restart your computer to ensure it is properly installed.
2) Enable the Nvidia FPS counter
If you have the latest drivers installed, you need to enable them. To do this, right-click on your desktop and select "Nvidia Control Panel." Click on "Manage 3D Settings" and then select the "Program Settings" tab.
Select the game to measure the FPS from the drop-down menu. Next, scroll down to the "Monitoring" section and select "FPS" from the drop-down menu. Finally, click on "Apply" to save the changes.
3) Use the Nvidia FPS counter
Now that you have set up the counter, you can use it to measure the frames per second. To do this, launch the game that you have set up on the FPS counter.
The FPS counter will be displayed in the top-left corner of your screen, and it will update in real time as you play your favorite titles.
4) Customize FPS counter

You can also customize the appearance of the frame counter to suit your needs. To do this, go back to the Nvidia App (or Nvidia Geforce Experience, if you haven't updated yet). Navigate to the In-Game Overlay section and click on 'Settings.'
From there, you can change the position of the FPS counter on the screen, change the color, and even add a background to make the counter more visible.
It's important to note that the tool may not work with all games. In some cases, you may need to enable it in the game's settings. However, Nvidia's FPS counter isn't as advanced as third-party solutions. You can also use other software, such as MSI Afterburner or FRAPS, to monitor the frames per second.
By keeping track of the FPS, you can ensure that your game operates at its best speed and make any required modifications to enhance its performance. Nvidia's software allows for a quick and well-integrated answer to the problem, thereby allowing players to effortlessly check the framerates.