Windows 11 has been available on the market for a while now, attracting mixed reactions from users. While the operating system showed potential upon release, it was let down by bugs and an overall clunkiness.
However, several builds and updates have ensured that quality has improved to the desired performance levels. The situation today is quite different, and things are looking far more positive with the first major update of 2022. That said, the demands of a gamer are pretty different in any operating system software.
Nevertheless, there are good reasons for gamers to upgrade to Windows 11. Gaming PCs generally meet the minimum requirements for upgrading to the latest Windows versions, and with the latest operating system packing certain key features, gamers should be able to run their titles optimally and efficiently.
Gamers are the big winners in the first major Windows 11 update of 2022
When the update first became available, several issues affected gamers – the software had unstable resource consumption on some devices, and the overall clunkiness didn't help.
Microsoft has been working to plug all the holes, and the results are now precise. The first significant update for Windows 11 in 2022 clearly shows Microsoft's emphasis and focus, as they have delivered a clear winner. However, a few specific additions to the OS will make the overall gaming experience a lot better.
Significant improvements are noticeable in terms of latency when someone plays a game in the windowed mode. Microsoft has been attempting to integrate the Xbox services into PC gaming, and the 2022 Windows 11 update takes it a step further. A new Xbox controller bar has been added, and players can navigate between games with the help of a controller just like they do on their consoles.
The Xbox Series XlS has an auto HDR feature that's quite useful with specific titles. The first major update to Windows 11 in 2022 now enables the same feature for PC users. The windowed mode will also allow users to enable HDR and VRR when running games.
Additionally, there's excellent news for those running the operating system on a relatively older device. The software will offer better latency when running games on older versions of DirectX. DirectX 10 and 11 will have reduced latency moving forward, which is a plus point for gamers. This will provide gamers with an alternative to running their games on full screen for the best performance.
More functional changes have also been included in the 2022 update. The Start menu is now more customizable than earlier, and the taskbar is another area where improvements have been made.
Accessibility has also been improved as Windows 11 will now come with full voice access, while some security updates have made data privacy better protected for users. These features will be advantageous for many users aside from gamers.
The 2022 update for Windows 11 is power-packed as far as gamers are concerned. They can expect improved performances with their beloved titles moving forward, giving one all the right reasons for an upgrade come September.