The fans have been loving Neowiz Games' Lies of P as it serves as the newest addition to the action-RPG Souls-like genre, sticking to the classic gameplay style. Its gameplay is more similar to Bloodborne than the grand open world of Elden Ring. The combat system follows the expected conventions, but has a few unique features. You can link the light and heavy attacks for a variety of results.
Furthermore, you can utilize your special abilities by using your legion arm, and Fable Arts to launch a quick attack. You have the freedom to customize your blade and handles, creating the weapon with the stats you desire since there are numerous options to choose from.
Thus, the ideal controller settings for Lies of P are crucial since the game requires precise movement and speedy reaction timing.
Best Lies of P controller settings, keyboard & mouse settings for an elevated experience
Lies of P controller settings for Xbox

- Use Legion Arm: LT
- Guard: LB
- Move: Left Stick
- Forward Jump: Left Stick Button
- Special Attack/Charge Attack: RT
- Normal Attack: RB
- Use Fable Arts: Y
- Use Belt Item: X
- Dash/Dodge: B
- Interact: A
- Select Upper Belt: Up (D-pad)
- Select Lower Belt: Down (D-pad)
- Switch Weapon: Right (D-pad)
- Switch Legion Arm: Left (D-pad)
- Camera Rotation: Right Stick
- Lock On: Right Stick Button
- Instantly Check Details/Play Records Menu: View Button
- Menu: Menu Button
- Controller Vibration: Your preference
- Left Stick Sensitivity: 5
- Right Stick Sensitivity: 5
Lies of P controller settings for PlayStation
- Use Legion Arm: L2
- Guard: L1
- Move: Left Stick
- Forward Jump: Left Stick Button
- Special Attack/Charge Attack: R2
- Normal Attack: R1
- Use Fable Arts: Triangle
- Use Belt Item: Square
- Dash/Dodge: Circle
- Interact: Cross
- Select Upper Belt: Up (D-pad)
- Select Lower Belt: Down (D-pad)
- Switch Weapon: Right (D-pad)
- Switch Legion Arm: Left (D-pad)
- Camera Rotation: Right Stick
- Lock On: Right Stick Button
- Instantly Check Details/Play Records Menu: Touchpad
- Menu: Options
- Controller Vibration: Your preference
- Left Stick Sensitivity: 5
- Right Stick Sensitivity: 5
Lies of P keyboard & mouse settings
- Go Forward: W
- Go Back: S
- Go Right: D
- Go Left: A
- Dash/Dodge: Space
- Forward Jump: Space
- Switch to Walking: Caps Lock
- Instantly Check Details/Play Records Menu: C
- Interact: E
- Normal Attack: Left Mouse
- Charge Attack/Special Attack: Right Mouse
- Lock On: Middle Mouse
- Guard: Shift
- Use Fable Arts: F
- Use Legion Arm: Ctrl
- Use Belt Item: R
- Select Upper Belt: T
- Select Lower Belt: G
- Switch Weapon: Q
- Switch Legion Arm: X
- Extra Bag’s Left Slot: 1
- Extra Bag’s Top Slot: 2
- Extra Bag’s Right Slot: 3
- Extra Bag’s Bottom Slot: 4
This concludes our guide to the best controller settings for Lies of P.