Whether you're seeking to join the world of Mortal Kombat 1 or you're a fighting game enthusiast, understanding the ideal control configuration is essential. There's not much need for alteration other than a few controller adjustments; however, it's noteworthy that playing with a controller instead of a keyboard can greatly enhance the game's intense and fast-paced nature, where accurate maneuvering and swift reaction times determine success.
With this guide, your Mortal Kombat 1 gameplay can be raised to new heights through the mastery of combos and the perfect controller configuration.
Best Mortal Kombat 1 keybindings and controller settings for an elevated experience
When it comes to Mortal Kombat 1, the default controller layout is particularly advantageous. Although it's not recommended to modify the controls since they're already perfectly optimized, certain configurations could be improved with some minor adjustments.
Keybindings for Xbox controllers
- Front Punch: X
- Back Punch: Y
- Front Kick: A
- Back Kick: B
- Throw: LB
- Block: RT
- Kameo: RB
- Flip Stance: LT
Keybindings for PlayStation controllers
- Front Punch: Square
- Back Punch: Triangle
- Front Kick: Cross
- Back Kick: Circle
- Throw: L1
- Block: R2
- Kameo: R1
- Flip Stance: L2
Controller Settings
- Input Window Timing: Long
- Release Check: Off
- Alternate Kontrols: Off
- Input Shortcuts: On
- Button Shortcuts: On
- Vibration: Your preference
You may want to customize the "Input Window Timing" based on your liking, which is a great feature to tinker around with. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned player, there are a couple of options to choose from.
"Long" is the suggested setting for beginners, as it allows you to take additional time to execute the moves. However, experienced gamers can switch to "Medium" or "Short" if they're more familiar with the combos and want to prevent inadvertent inputs.
If the combos you attempt often result in mishaps, it may be best to disable "Release Check." Alternatively, enabling this feature for select Mortal Kombat1 characters and certain combination moves could prove advantageous.
All in all, enabling "Release Check" causes the game to register button inputs upon release rather than pressing. This, in conjunction with "Input Shortcuts," prompts the game to try and predict your movements hastily. As a result, it can hinder your ability to perform necessary combos during combat.
This concludes our guide to the best Mortal Kombat 1 controller settings.