The popular messaging app WhatsApp seems to be facing issues, as users worldwide are unable to send or receive messages. Arguably the biggest personal messaging platform in the world, this has significantly halted communications everywhere.
Originally launched back in 2009, right on the cusp of the smartphone revolution, WhatsApp changed connected communication across the world. Owned by the tech giant Meta, it is an internationally available freeware, cross-platform centralized instant messaging (IM), and voice-over-IP (VoIP) service.
The majority of the world relies on the messaging platform for both formal and personal information sharing, be it peer-to-peer or with a group. As such, the servers being down has caused major issues.
Meta has already shared the status of the messaging service's Business API facing a major disruption across both On-Premise Solutions and Cloud API. Meta has acknowledged the issues by stating:
"We are aware of major disruptions impacting the ability to send messages via the WhatsApp Business Platform. Our teams are working to mitigate the issue."
It was also reported by the well-known third-party website DownDetector that a number of users are unable to send or receive messages. Users also flocked to Twitter to report on the issue with #whatsappdown reaching a top trend.
How to check WhatsApp server status?
Considering Meta's reputation for stability, the majority of users initially assumed the issues were due to their service provider's poor connection or hardware bugs on their personal device, however, as more users took to different social media platforms, it became clear that the issue was on the side of Meta's servers.
Users can head to to check the status of all Meta services, including Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. The drop-down menu also provides details regarding which aspects of the services are down.
For third-party reports, users can headover to to check on the server status of multiple services, including the popular messaging platform. It should be noted that since third-party services relies upon user data, it might not always be accurate.
Uses took to Twitter to share memes as WhatsApp servers remain unresponsive
With WhatsApp being down, many users took to Twitter to share updates and memes about the situation. The connected social media platform also helped in assuring users that the issue is on Meta's server and not on their devices or connections.
Many users also shared memes regarding how Twitter provided the social media connective platform, as users failed to access Meta's messaging platform.
While the servers remain offline, considering Meta's otherwise impeccable service, the messaging service is expected to be back online soon.