As per recent leaks, Nvidia RTX 5060 laptops may not be released anytime soon. This information is made available courtesy of “Moore’s Law is Dead”, which also mentions the same for RTX 5070 laptops. In short, only the RTX 5090 configuration is expected to make an appearance in the upcoming months, with 5080 and lower variants getting significantly delayed, till 2025.
A breakdown of these leaks can be found below.
Nvidia RTX 5060 laptops may be delayed until 2025
As detailed in the newest Moore’s Law Is Dead podcast, RTX 5060 laptops and RTX 5070 laptops may not appear in store shelves until Q2 2024. The report also mentions that the RTX 5070 series of delayed may be delayed until the holidays in 2024 as well.
The channel went on to discuss the speculative configurations of these Blackwell GPUs, with the 5070 poised for a 256-bit bus and approximately 12 GB of VRAM. On the other hand, the 5060 is expected to receive a 128-bit bus and only 8 GB of VRAM, an amount that is rather anemic for anything beyond 1080p gaming in 2024.
This does not take into account probable 5070 Ti and 5060 Ti configurations, which should likely possess different VRAM and CUDA core configurations.
At the very least, the RTX 5090 (which represents Nvidia’s highest end Blackwell GPU offering) should be made available in under 5 months, releasing by the end of this year at an unknown MSRP.
Keep in mind that the information presented above is based on leaks and rumors. As such, its contents are expected to change in the future, upon the final release of the said products. Nothing is certain until Nvidia releases an official statement on these RTX 5060 laptops and Blackwell GPUs in general - which should be made available in the upcoming few months.