Sony's upcoming Project Q handheld received a lukewarm response during its reveal earlier this year. Unfortunately, what seems to be new leaked footage may further turn players off. A video showcasing a production unit in action highlights the streaming device's operating system and control features. Surprisingly, it seems to utilize Google's Android OS.
The footage, alongside a few pictures, was uploaded by Twitter user @Zuby_Tech. What does this mean for PlayStation Project Q going forward?
Is the leaked PlayStation Project Q footage real?
It seems to be legitimate on all fronts. The design is the same as that showcased by the publisher during the public reveal. It is, to put it simply, a tablet with two halves of the Dualsense PS5 controller attached to each side. The display has a film covering it, and the plastic backplate seems slightly flimsy.
For all intents and purposes, the device is far from being handed out to retailers. So this is very likely a unit still being worked on. The most interesting aspect is the fact that it uses Android. This comes as a surprise as all dedicated PlayStation consoles so far have used in-house operating systems.
As shown in the footage, the user scrolls through the dev menu with much of the HUD familiar to Android users. One of the icons in the menu seemed to be related to PlayStation services, while another featured the green Android logo. Throughout the reel, the right side of the screen features familiar Back, Home, and Recents buttons, just like on an Android tablet.
One of the pictures also dissects the device, which reveals that the tablet is placed onto the controller backplate. Giving ammunition to various fans, this does seem to be a dealbreaker as they are essentially getting an Android device with an attached controller. If it has to succeed, it must be cheap enough for players to overlook this design.
What is the purpose of the PlayStation Project Q?
Crushing many fans' hopes of a new dedicated PlayStation Portable, Project Q is a Remote Play device. In other words, it allows games to be streamed to the device over the internet via the user's PlayStation 5 home console. It is not unlike Valve's Steam Link, which lets users enjoy their Steam PC library on their smartphones.
Logically this would require a strong internet connection for stable play, so using it outdoors is not as feasible. No price or release window for the device has been announced yet, which means it is still a while away from launch. That said, fans can expect to hear more details in the near future.