Now that the card is available in two variants, the Nvidia RTX 3050 6 GB vs RTX 3050 8 GB becomes a hot debate. The two GPUs are wildly different despite sharing the same 50-class moniker. Unlike other Nvidia offerings like the 4060 Ti 8 and 16 GB variants, the difference isn't just in memory capacities. The cards also have wide differences in core counts and operating clock speeds, adding to a significant performance gap in the latest titles.
This article will go through the RTX 3050 6 GB vs RTX 3050 8 GB comparison to give a clear idea of what you get with either card.
Nvidia RTX 3050 6 GB vs RTX 3050 8 GB: Which is the better for entry-level 1080p gaming?
The Nvidia RTX 3050 6 GB and 8 GB cards vary widely in terms of on-paper specs. Let's review them before checking out the performance differences between the two.
RTX 3050 6 GB vs RTX 3050 8 GB: Specifications comparison
For starters, the 3050 8 GB and 6 GB cards are based on two different GPUs. While the former uses the same GA106 as the RTX 3060, the newer 3050 6 GB is based on the smaller GA107 that was previously used by the 3050 laptop graphics processors. This is mainly a cost-cutting measure to help bring the card down to the $179 target MSRP.
Besides, the newer 6 GB card's core count has been cut by 10%. You get 2,304 CUDA cores, 18 RT cores, and 72 Tensor cores. The memory bus width has decreased from 128 to 96 bit on the newer GPU besides a capacity reduction from 8 GB to 6 GB.
Below is a detailed side-by-side specification comparison of the two video cards:
RTX 3050 6 GB vs RTX 3050 8 GB: Performance comparison
Given the massive specs cuts, it's only natural that the newer RTX 3050 6 GB will be significantly slower than the older variant across every modern video game. Theoretical estimates suggest the 8 GB option is as much as 34% faster than the 2024 variant. However, actual differences in video games vary.
Below is a list of performance marks secured by the video cards in some of the latest video games. The numbers have been sourced from the Testing Games YouTube channel.
At the end of the RTX 3050 6 GB vs RTX 3050 8 GB comparison, we find video cards can comfortably handle the latest titles at 1080p with some compromises to the settings. However, the costlier variant has a significant advantage over the newer option.
It is 20%-25% in most titles and gets quite close to 60 FPS in some games. This makes the 8 GB card a more future-proof option as well. Thus, if you plan on using your gaming rig for a couple of years, we recommend spending $50 more and getting the RTX 3050 8 GB card. With extra graphics horsepower and video memory, it will last you for some time.