Prices for AMD's upcoming flagship graphics cards, RX 7700 and RX 7800, allegedly leaked online alongside the "3DMark" scores. The new GPUs from "Team Red," aka AMD, were expected to arrive within the first quarter of 2023, competing against Nvidia's new "budget" line-up of RTX 40-series cards, the RTX 4070, RTX 4060 and RTX 4060ti. However, the GPU and chipset manufacturer seems to have different plans for their latest iteration of graphics cards.
AMD is very well known for their peculiar pricing models, especially for their flagship properties. However, it seems the GPU manufacturer is sticking with the their traditional pricing structure for their upcoming GPUs, RX 7700 and its bigger cousin, RX 7800.
Here's everything you need to know about AMD's RX 7700 and RX 7800's allegedly leaked prices, benchmarking scores and more.
Prices for AMD's upcoming flagship GPUs, RX 7700 and RX 7800 leaked online
The recent price leak comes courtesy of renowned leaker "All_The_Watts!!", who is known to have access to correct information regarding new GPUs prices, specs and more. According to a recent tweet by All_The_Watts!!, the leaker revealed that the upcoming GPUs from Team Red will be priced at:
- RX 7700: $449
- RX 7800: $549
Alongside the GPU prices, the 3DMark Time Spy scores for new GPUs were also leaked recently. And unfortunately, much like Nvidia's recently released GPUs, Team Red's upcoming RX 7700 and RX 7800 GPUs seem to be just a minor upgrade over their predecessors (if at all), but at a major cost difference.
According to the benchmarking scores, RX 7800 scored 18197, and RX 7700 scored 15465, roughly within the same spectrum as their predecessors, RX 6800 and RX 6700, respectively. However, the marginal difference is quite substantial when the pricing is taken into effect.
It seems both AMD and Nvidia are at the crossroads of "deminishing returns". Regardless of the advances made within the GPU architecture, power consumtion and raw horsepower of the new chipsets, there's very minute increase in performance output.
That being said, the prices as well as the benchmarking scores are coming from unofficial sources, with the GPU manufacturer yet to reveal any information regarding the same. As such, the information in these leaks should be taken with a grain of salt, as they don't necessarily reflect the official statement regarding the product.
The potential launch window for RX 7700 and RX 7800 is expected to be around the final weeks of August 2023.