The Nvidia RTX 4080 Ti has surfaced on the internet. The latest leaks come from reliable X (formerly Twitter) leaker @Zed_Wang, who took to the platform to reveal some details about the upcoming high-end graphics card, including the specs and price point. Team Green generally follows up all of their original GPUs with a Super/Ti refresh a year down the line. The 4080 was introduced last year, so it's due for an update.
The upcoming graphics card will reportedly be based on the same AD102 GPU that powers the RTX 4090 graphics card. The original 4080 is based on a cut-down AD103 graphics processor that is about 60% smaller than the flagship-grade AD102.
More leaks hint that Nvidia is planning to keep the Total Graphics Power (TGP) at less than 450W with this GPU. The 4090 is rated for this power limit. Hence, the 4080 Ti might be a more efficient AD102 design with slightly less performance.
Let's go over the leaked information about this new GPU. Do note that none of this is confirmed by Nvidia yet, so take the rumors with a pinch of salt.
The RTX 4080 Ti is scheduled to be launched soon
The upcoming 4080 Ti will be launched in early 2024. We believe Team Green will announce the card at CES 2024, with it being made available later in January/February. We have seen a similar pattern with the RTX 3050 and 3090 Ti graphics cards before.
According to previous leaks, the upcoming RTX 4080 Ti will be a massive upgrade over the current 80-class graphics card. Recent leaks also suggest Nvidia is prepping a Super refresh for the 40 series, and the GPU in question might be titled the RTX 4080 Super.
The GPU will be powered by 14,080 CUDA cores, about 45% more than the 4080. Moreover, the VRAM will likely be upgraded from 16 GB GDDR6X to a whopping 20 GB GDDR6X. This will make the GPU an incredible option for 4K gaming without compromises.
A detailed specs list of the upcoming RTX 4080 Ti is as follows:
The RTX 4080 Ti will rank among the fastest GPUs once it launches next year. The specs sheet will make it a competitive option against the RX 7900 XTX and bring it very close to the 4090.
According to @Zed_Wang, Nvidia is planning to price the 4080 Ti at $1,199, the same price the RTX 4080 debuted for. Thus, gamers won't have to pay an extra dime for the added performance of the new GPU.