AMD launched the RX 6700 10 GB video card in June 2022. This graphics card is a slightly cut-down version of the 6700 XT, a GPU built for 1440p gaming. It is slightly faster than the Turing-based RTX 2080 and the RX 6650 XT but trails the RTX 3060 Ti by a 5% margin.
The 6700 10 GB is very hard to find. Stocks for this card have been limited. However, gamers can spot one for around $370. This makes it around $40 cheaper than the cheapest Radeon RX 6700 XT models.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer
The RX 6700 is a great graphics card that no one is talking about
The RX 6700 is based on the Navi 22 GPU and comes with 2,304 shading units, 144 Texture Mapping Units (TMUs), and 64 Render Output Units (ROPs). It also has 10 GB of GDDR6 memory, which is based on a narrow 160-bit bus that limits the overall memory bandwidth to about 320 GB/s. The card has an acceptable TDP of 175 W.
In comparison, the 6700 XT comes with the same Navi 22 GPU. However, all of the base specs are slightly higher. This GPU packs 2,560 shading units, 160 TMUs, 64 ROPs, and 12 GB of GDDR6 memory based on a wider 192-bit bus. It also has a significantly higher TDP of 230 W.
The RX 6700 is a great 1080p gaming video card. However, it can easily deliver 1440p gaming at 60+ FPS. The graphics card even handles 4K gaming like the XT variant. Albeit, extremely intense video games like Cyberpunk 2077 and Watchdogs Legion are unplayable in 2160p.
This makes the graphics card a solid option for 1440p gaming. However, the competition almost bulldozes the RTX 3060 out of the question.
The RTX 3060 12 GB is a faster card than the 6700 10 GB in most video games and beats the AMD video card. The 3060 also utilizes the much more effective and sophisticated upscaling solution, DLSS.
Moreover, a quick look at Newegg reveals that the cheapest RTX 3060 12 GB video cards are available for as low as $325. This makes opting for the RX 6700 a waste of money. To add to this, the extremely limited availability of the graphics card is an issue.
The pricing for the 6700 10 GB GPU varies depending on location. If the graphics card is available for an equivalent of $300 or less, the recommendation changes. Gamers should favor this GPU over RTX 3060 at that point.
A lot of users are also using OEM-pulled variants of the graphics card. For them, the graphics card represents a better value.
The RX 6700 is a solid 1440p gaming video card. However, it has a few key problems that do not make it a recommendation for budget 1440p gaming. A key highlight among these is the massive fall in Nvidia RTX GPU pricing.
However, if gamers are already rocking one of these graphics cards in their system, they need not panic. The 6700 10 GB is a solid GPU for 1080p and 1440p gaming. It will nail every title that comes out in the upcoming two to three years.